The Kindling of Old and New Flames

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12-23-2020, 5 am.

Orion woke up before Dani but stayed in bed, his job as the warden has him waking up in the early hours of the morning but he's off his body clock is still in work mode, so he just stood in bed with Dani who was still in the same position as she was when he went to bed.

Orion just laid there taking in the sight of this beautiful woman lying next to him. He gave Dani a soft kiss on her head, in which she smiled in her sleep and nuzzled closer to Orion, and began to rub herself on him like a cat.

"Are you rubbing yourself on me?" he asked, expecting not to get an answer from her.

Dani simply nuzzled closer again practically being on his chest at this point and in her sleep, she kissed his neck where his pulse was located. Orion noticed this and didn't mind, he noticed he's gotten used to things around the castle and as well as this relationship he has with his boss's daughter even though it was really weird how quick they connected with one another, he pushed those thoughts out of his head and just relaxed.

"I guess that's my answer then," he said, getting more comfortable.

7 am

A knock on the door got Orion's attention as he was waking up from his nap. Then the door opened slowly as Valdis walked in and closed the door slightly and spoke.

"Breakfast is about to be served you two," she said.

"Okay my lady will be down in a few minutes," he said, as he gestured to Dani laying on him.

Valdis just smiled at that and gave a nod and exited the room.

"Dani time to wake up," Orion said in a soft tone, Dani just let out a small sleepy protest.

"Dani come on now," he said as Dani protested, "noooooooo," she let out like a child not getting their way as she pulled herself closer to him.

Orion thought for a second and then an idea came to his head.

"How about I carry you to the dining room?" he asked, Dani just let out a noise of approval.

"Okay let me wash up, '' he said, as Dani mewled in discomfort as he was getting up from bed, "I'll be right back okay," he said, giving her a kiss on her forehead.

Orion quickly washed up and returned to Dani who was shifting a bit in her sleep uncomfortably, Orion simply walked over to her body and picked her up and proceeded to the dining room.

As he neared the dining room doors he was having trouble opening them he then heard a voice come from behind him.

"May I help," it was opal as he turned his head to look.

"That would be most appreciated," Orion replied with a smile.

Opal opened the doors and gave a bow and then closed them. As he entered, all conversation stopped as Orion felt all eyes on him.

"Morning," he said, giving a bow of his head and walked to his seat, and kept Dani close as he sat down he placed her on his lap with her head resting on his shoulder.

"May I ask why Daniela is still asleep?" Alcina asked, looking at her daughter sleeping in Orion's lap.

"Well my you see my lady she didn't want to get and she also began to be uncomfortable whenever I tried to get up, so I offered to carry her here," he answered.

Valdis let out an aw, while Alcina simply gave a small smile, bela didn't pay attention, and Cassandra pretended to vomit.

"Daniela, sweety time to wake up, little moth," Alcina said in a motherly tone.

Dani mewled and slowly opened her eyes and saw the sight of shoulder length dirty blonde hair, natural beige skin, and for the first time she noticed his eyes were different colors, one golden like hers and her sisters and the other one was ghost blue and golden.

"Hello earth to Daniela," he says not getting a response, "Daniela," Alcina said in a semi loving and stern tone which snapped Dani out thoughts.

"Huh?, oh sorry mother," she said, snapping from her thoughts and got off of Orion's lap and sat in her own seat.

They continued to talk, eat and when they were done they all went their separate ways, as Dani and Orion were heading back upstairs a knock was heard getting his attention. Orion walked to the door and cracked it open slightly and the familiar face of Morel.

"Oh morel come in," he said, opening the door.

Orion heard a hiss come from Dani and he quickly snapped his head to her.

"Close the door," Dani practically yelled.

He ushered Morel into the castle and quickly closed the door.

"It's gotten pretty out there. I hope it doesn't get worse for tomorrow or the day after," she said, patting the snow off of her coat.

"It's that bad huh?" Orion asked the tavern owner.

''Yes it is," she said as she noticed Daniela standing away from the door trying to warm herself up, " well if it isn't the baby of the family," Morel said with a smile and opened arms waiting for a hug from Morel.

Orion noticed Dani sniffed a bit until he saw her eyes light up and a pure smile appear on her face, as she rushed to Morel.

"Mama Morel!" Dani said with such excitement as she embraced the woman.

"What are you here?" Dani asked, still holding her in their hug.

"I'm here to visit your mother dear," Morel answered.

"Indeed you are my love" the voice of Alcina was heard grabbing everyone's attention.

Morel and Dani let go of each other and Morel looked at Alcina with a smile and slight tears welling up in her eyes as Alcina walked with a quickened elegant pace towards her and picked her up hugging her tight.

To Orin they seemed to be very familiar with one another, but pushed the rest of his thoughts away as he grabbed Dani by her shoulders and started to drag her up the stairs.

"Let's leave them be ok Dani," Orion said as he slowly dragged her away.

"Okay," Dani replied, still stunned at the situation, "I could carry you, how does that sound?" he asked, as Dani just nodded and felt herself being lifted.

"Alcina, how long has it been?" Morel asked.

"Ten years, it's been ten years my sweet one," Alcina said, still holding her in a tight embrace.

"Hem, aren't you going to introduce me, my love," Valdis said in a playful tone standing behind Alcina looking at her tightly hugging the other woman.

"Oh, pardon me darling you're correct, this is Morel she is-, Alcina pauses for a second,- was my personal maiden and partner at one point in time," Alcina said, averting her gaze not sure if she should show her feelings.

"Alci no need for that now my love, how about we have tea and talk and maybe some wine to end our night with and maybe some dessert how's that sound?" Valdis asked with a knowing but playful smirk on her face.

"Hem, that be nice darling," Alcina said, clearing her throat and morel doing the same as Valdis ushered them into the living room and ordered a maid to bring some tea as the three of them settled in for a chat.

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