Not Okay

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I couldn't think of a good title.

"Hey kiddo, how've you been," Vlad asked.

"Vlad ?" Orion said stunned at the sight of his brother standing in front of him, his dead brother to be exact.

"No, you can't, y..., y..., y, he stuttered, you can't be here, you died when I was 17 that was 5 years ago," Orion said, trying his hardest to keep himself from stuttering and breaking down.

Orion was hit with flashes of a fateful day he wished to forget and bury deep in his mind.

*Orion ?* Eva asked worried for her adoptive brother.

No response was given.

Orion was still reliving that horrible day.

"Run!, Orion!, Run!" Vlad yelled as he was shooting at the beast chasing them.

The beast was, what like a Lycan essentially a werewolf or a wolfman.

"Keep going Ori !, come on you bastard, come get me!," Vlad yelled as he shot his hunting rifle at the beast.

The beast roared in pain as the rounds from Vlad's rifle pierced its flesh as it jumped towards Vlad swinging its claw and making contact with Vlad's torso.

"Ahh!," Vlad screamed as searing pain clawed its way through his chest and stomach and the beast went tumbling down a hill crashing into rock and trees.

As they both finally came to a sudden and painful stop, both Vlad and the beast were looking pretty bad the beast looked like he had a broken arm, tree branches impaled in its body, the same could be said about Vlad, albeit Vlad was on his back blood gushing from his torso and tree branches through his gut. The beast slowly lumbered its way to Vlad to finish him off.

"Orion!... 'cough, cough'... run!," he yelled in between blood choking coughs Orion didn't listen and ran to defend his brother.

"You're not touching him, you piece of shit!" Orion shouted as he stood there with his pistol and knife.

The beast roared and raised its claw striking and knocking Orion on the ground leaving claw marks on his chest, just as the beast was going to attack Orion again when a pitch black raven came out of nowhere and attacked it's eyes as Orion pulled out his pistol and shout it dead and the beast fell to its knee and slumped to the ground dead. The raven cawed getting Orion's attention.

"Vlad!" he shouted looking at his brother not knowing what to do.

"Ori, listen to me...cough... no matter what happens, promise me... promise me no matter you'll settle down and leave this life behind you and find someone special for god sakes... cough, cough... and I'll always be with you here and here," he says pointing at his head and heart as Vlad's fingertips make contact with Orion's forehead, Vlad's hand fell slowly down his face and just then the raven cawed snapping Orion back to reality.

Orion looked in the direction of the raven; it was just there standing in between the two of them.

"You don't remember Samuel?," Vlad asked.

"Samuel ?, the raven who lived outside my window when I was a kid," Orion said, recognizing the bird and the bird let out a caw and did a little.

The bird flew to Orion's shoulder and nuzzled the side of his head.

"Now how ar..." Orion stopped, noticing Vlad had vanished.

Orion looked around looking to find any trace of his brother, disturbed snow or mud but there was nothing.

"Huh?, okay uhm?, okay then I must be stressed," he said as Samuel cawed leaping off Orion's shoulder and started to fly towards the castle.

"Oh great, well this is something I have to keep quiet for as long as I can," Orion said to himself as he walked back to the castle.

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