Uninvited Guest pt1

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Alcina Dimitrescu the lady of the castle is standing there fuming and ready to burst, "my lady what uninvited guest?" Orion asks, trying to get answers.

Alcina pinches the bridge of her nose and takes a deep breath and then speaks.

"Mother Miranda seemed to have gone through with her plan and, has abducted the Winter's child and has commenced her plan by bringing her to our land," Alcina says, "You three I'm truly sorry for this inconvenience but Orion get the pack out looking around the castle and you will patrol the halls, Maria, bring me Opal" Alcina says and a few minutes later Maria returns with Opal, "ah good Opal you are going to look after my grandchildren for the time that we are in lockdown and you will be in my chambers with Valdis, Morel, and Sappho understood," Alcina says to the young maid.

"Of course my lady," Opal says, a little nervous but with confidence.

"Maria we are going to lock down all maids to their chambers and lock their doors" Alcina orders and the older maid nods and goes to tell the rest of the maids what the lady ordered.

"Now daughters you'll patrol the halls as well," Alcina says, and the three nods and begin to transform into their flies, but Dani gives one last look to Orion before she leaves as well.

Orion bows before he goes to get his gear, Marella follows him, "what's going on?" Mare asks.

"Your guess is as good as mine Mare," Orion says as he puts his holster on his leg and puts Grey Wolf in it and puts Eagle's Eye his rifle on his back and Scorpion's Sting his other pistol in his back holster and Wulf's Fang his knife in his boot sheath.

"I'm going with you," Marella says.

"No, you're not" Orion argues but Mare lifts her hand and a light smoke emerges from her fingertips, "I could take care of myself," Marella says.

Orion sighs as he goes to let Silas and his pack know to keep a look out and lets her follow, the two friends walk the halls for a bit as Orion tells Silas to have one pack watch the outside, and his pack to roam the inside, and when he is done and go back to walk the halls they hear glass break and a scream, they rush to the sound to find Bela almost completely frozen in a crystal-like material.

"Marella, block that window!" Orion shouts out, as Marella mutters something and juts her hand out as that smoke begins picking up the broken glass and begins to mend and repair the window.

"Oh shit Dani told me about this, they can't stand the cold, but I'm used to the cold and I barely feel it when I'm outside, maybe this'll work" Orion says, taking Wulf's Fang and slicing his hand and he puts to Bela's mouth and waits to see her reaction.

Bela gasps and her body begins to decrystallize and is guided to the floor by Orion, "Bela are you ok?" Orion asks.

"Im...that stupid man-thing got the better of me," Bela says with venom.

"Hey, are you ok?" Orion asks again.

"Im... I'm fine I don't feel the cold anymore" Bela says surprised and looks at Orion's hand and then at him.

"I figured your mother's and sister's blood made me what I am. I figured maybe it has some new properties" Orion says as the cut slowly begins to heal.

"Tha...thank you, my sister sure picked the right person," Bela says, chuckling a bit, and gets up.

"Marella, go with Bela ok," Orion says, and she is gonna argue but interrupts, "Marella please," Bela says and Marella nods as she takes one of Bela's arms and helps her back to the main area.

Orion continues his search, checking all the rooms, but finds nothing.

*ori mother is planning on doing another ritual* Evi says.

*I know* Orion says.

*save this child don't let her kill anymore, promise* Evi says.

*I promise* Orion says just as he is pulled out of their conversation when he hears gunfire, he rushes to where he heard it with a little guidance from Skoll and comes upon Cassandra chasing a man into a room.

Orion follows until they seem to be further in the castle he hears an explosion and rushes to the source and enters the room just as he sees a man in an army jacket exiting the room, "hey!" Orion shouts as he draws his revolver and lets off a round hitting the man's arm.

Orion holsters his weapon as he does the same thing he did to Bela albeit it takes longer for Cass, seeing that she was exposed to the cold a bit more than Bela. "come on, come on," Orion says with worry as whatever color Cassandra had in her skin returns to her, "Fucking bastard!" Cassandra yells as the crystal material falls off of Cassandra.

"Cass! Calm down!" Orion says as he moves her to the door, "go to your sister and Marella their back at the main area of the castle. "But the Man-thing?" Cassandra argues, "I'll deal with him, go," Orion says, Cass pouts and groans but goes to where her sister is at.

Orion continues following the blood trail from the wound, Orion is traveling to areas he hasn't seen until he stumbles onto the familiar part of the castle he, Dani, and the kids have spent over the past month it was the library. "You stupid Man-thing!" Dani yells as gunshots are heard which makes Orion run to the area of the sound of the gunshots.

"Get away from me you crazy bitch" the man yells as he fires his gun again hitting her but it barely does anything to her, "don't you call her that!" Orion says as he charges into the room running at the man slamming his shoulder into the man's gut, running him into a nearby bookcase, "GET OUT OF HERE!" Orion shouts at Dani, "no" dani retorts back, "Dani ge-" Orion says but is interrupted as the man slams his knee into Orion's stomach causing him to let go a bit, letting the man grab the back of Orion's collar and belt moving away a bit before he rams Orion's head into the same self, "AGH!" Orion screams out as Dani gets mad and jumps on the man's back, biting his neck and stabbing the man's side repeatedly "stupid man-thing" Dani says as she continues to stab and attack him.

"Get off of me you crazy bitch!" the man says, As he elbows her in the gut and then grabs her hair as he runs backwards into a bookcase slamming her into it, and then grabs her arm and flips her onto the ground and prepares to shoot her but she quickly changes into her flies, flying away before she flies back to him and slashes across his stomach and then stabs him in the shoulder before she rips it out and continues to stab him until he catches her wrist and with his other hand he grabs the back of her head and then slams her face into the bookshelf and let's go as he goes for his gun, Orion gets up startling the man, *Skoll. It's time. Let THE WULF RIP AND TEAR!* Orion says, *FUCK YES!* Skoll yells as Orion's body grows and he becomes bigger, now growing to be 8 '5 feet tall and has some Skoll's features, "NoW WhaT DiD YoU CalL HeR?" Orion says with Skoll's voice mixed with his. The man looks terrified but fires off a shot hitting Orion but Orion shrugs it off, "ThAt'S My AnSwEr HaaaaaaAAAAAAAAA!" Orion says laughing as he charges the man knocking his gun out of his hand and in a quick motion grabs the man by his throat and throws him across the room "WhY ArE YoU HeRe?" Orion asks.

"I'm here for my daughter!" The man says as he draws a pistol and fires hitting Orion which gives the man time to get up, getting to a crank and begins to crank it as the skylight begins to open, Orion instinctually goes and covers Dani as the man grabs his shotgun and escapes the room. Orion gets Dani to the door before he changes back to normal form, "go to your sister's and Marella in the main area of the castle go no arguing" Orion says, "But-" Dani says but is interrupted, "Go now" Orion argues back and Dani does so pouting, as the door closes "where'd you go you bastard" Orion says and begins his hunt.


It maybe short but I felt the ending was a nice place to leave it at while I work on the next part, the previous CH is An Uninvited Guest, this CH and and the next part or two is titled Uninvited Guest just to clarify things, hope you enjoy and im sorry in advance.

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