Christmas Day pt 3

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As Dani was hugging Orion she heard a buzzing coming down. It was one of her sisters Dani looked to see who it was and it was Bela.

"Dani what's on," she stops speaking when she sees Dani's face and her hugging a crying Orion, "what happened to your face," Bela says getting closer to them, when Bela got closer she heard something dripping and noticed blood on Orion's hand.

"Did he do this?" she asked.

Dani just looked away and down at Orion still rubbing his head trying to calm him down.

"Dani you know what's going to happen now," she said looking at her sister with a sorrowful expression knowing full well what's in store for her Orion.

Just then they both heard the clicking of heels and Bela looked at Dani, "I'll try to break it to her but don't expect a miracle," she said as she turned and turned to talk to their mother, Dani could hear them speaking and the heels got closer until they stopped.

Dani let go of Orion who had finally calmed down and turned to face her mother, when she did Alcina saw her face.

"Who did this to my little lighting bug?" she asked.

Dani looked down to the floor and whispered, "Orion did it but not on purpose," she said, still looking down at the ground.

"Daniela cut him," she said cold and flat as the sound of buzzing entered the room and Cassandra appeared.

Dani's head shoots up immediately at her mother's words, shocked, her sisters are equally shocked at the command and then Alcina spoke, "it's only fair since he cut you, you get to cut him," she said again with that cold and flat tone of hers.

"But...," Dani said.

"But what my dear," Alcina said, cocking an eyebrow at her youngest.

"Nothing mother," Dani said as she turned around to look at Orion, her friend, her love, her little wolf, and drew her sickle out.

"Put him up," Alcina said, gesturing to Bela and Cassandra.

They both complied with their mother's order and began to pick him to get him to stand on his feet. After he was standing he looked up and saw Dani standing there with her sickle out, he just sighed and put his head down knowing what was going to happen.

As Bela and Cassandra grabbed the meat hooks and were going to put them through Orion's Alcina spoke, "No make him face the wall and then put them through daughters," she said with a small grin growing on her face.

"Yes mother," they both said as they turned him to face the wall removing his shirt and coat making sure not to ruin the coat that was made for him, and then plunged the hooks into his hands making him scream through gritted teeth.


Orion's hands are already covered with his blood.

"Now Daniela you may cut him," Alcina said.

"Dani it's okay," he said just before Cass punches him in the face. Thwack, "Agh."


"Cassandra, you know the rules," Alcina said sternly.

"Sorry mother," Cass said, bowing her head a bit.

"Daniela you may begin the mutt's punishment," Alcina said, Dani just stood there looking at the floor and spoke, "it's not okay," she whispered, "What was that young lady," Alcina said, her voice deepening a bit, "It's not okay... "Daniela watch it," Alcina said sternly,'s not okay you're making me cut... she pauses, you're making me cut him on Christmas day no less for something he didn't mean to do!" Daniela yelled at her mother, "Who do you think you are speaking to young lady," she says "now cut," she said growling.

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