A Surprise?

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Sorry for the delay but I'm still here, thank you to all who have been reading this thank you so much so enjoy this small chapter and don't worry I'm already working on the next chapter

The next morning, a new day, a new year is here, and with it, a new chapter in both Orion's and Dani's life has begun.

The sun sneaks its way into the room, slipping by the curtains, and hits Serena's face, "it's too bright" Serena whines, "okay I got it" Orion says with sleep in his voice as he gets up and grabs a roll of tape and tapes the edge of the curtains shut and then climbs back into bed wrapping his arms around his family.

A knock on the door wakes Orion again after an hour's nap, Orion gets up and answers the door trying his best not to wake them up, "yes" he says wiping the sleep from his eyes, "good morning Orion or should I say good morning my lord," Opal says giggling, "oh don't do that" he says chuckling, "how can I help you Opal" he says, "breakfast is almost ready" Opal says, "ah ok thank you" he says, Opal bows and then heads downstairs.

Orion closes the door and heads over to Dani's side of the bed, "hey Dani wake up, breakfast is almost ready" he says shaking her slightly. She groans at being woken up. "Come on, sleepy head," Orion says, kissing her forehead, she slowly smiles at the feeling of his lips on her skin, which finally wakes her, as she sees him kneeling next to the bed with a small smile on his face.

"Morning little wolf," she says. "Morning princess," he says, giving her a small kiss, Dani mewls, and smiles into their kiss, "why are you waking me up" she playfully pouts. "Breakfast is ready," Orion says louder to see if it wakes up the two sleeping kids next to her. "Huh... *yawn*... food," Serena says with a yawn and rubs her eyes, "oh you woke her up meanie," Dani says teasing Orion, "what!?" He says, but Dani giggles, "I'm kidding come you two breakfast is ready," Dani says, caressing Serena's hair, and picks her up as Pytor wakes yawning and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, "come on buddy up, and at them," Orion says, as Pytor yawns again climbing out of bed and waits for everyone.

As they exit, Orion hears a voice, *ori* Eva says, *oh hi Evi, how are you?* he asks, *lonely you haven't visited* she says with a sad tone in her voice, *I'm sorry, I've been busy I'll visit you after breakfast ok* Orion says, *ok, I miss our talks* she says before saying bye.

"I miss them as well kiddo" Orion whispers to himself.

They make their way to the dining room, as they enter they are greeted with the smell of a freshly cooked morning meal, Bela is talking to her mother about the weapon Orion had made for her, Cassandra is eating and keeping her eye on Opal, and Alcina is listening to Bela and enjoying her wine all in all warm feeling of family and comfort "well, morning sleepy heads" Alcina says smiling, "morning mother," Dani says, "morning ma'am" Orion says.

"So formal, Alcina is just fine dear," Alcina says, Orion nods, "before you eat I want to say, I'm sorry to both of you it was brought to my attention that what you did Orion wasn't your doing and I-" she says before she is interrupted, "No need to apologize, m'lady, you were doing what any mother would do to defend their child I understand and all is forgiven," Orion says,

The three women are surprised by his action, Dani is smiling at him as the kids are eating.

"You two seem to be getting closer," Bela says with a cocked eyebrow as Dani moves her seat closer to Orion's, "what are you talking about?" she says, "right something happened now spill it," Bela says, "mama don't be mad but I marked him, and well...he marked," Dani says, Alcina takes a breath well you two have been smitten with each other since he arrived so I guess you two both consented to this-" she says waiting for a response, Orion and Dani both nod, "-well then you two are connected and we have a new member to our family," Alcina says raising her glass and takes a sip before putting it down and, "now Orion take the day off and enjoy it with my butterfly and my new lighting bugs, Pytor and Serena is that correct," Alcina says hoping she got it right, Serena nods excitedly, "So if Orion is are papa and Dani is our mama are you our auntie?" Serena asks innocently, Alcina chuckles, "no dear I would be your grandmother," she says to the little one.

Serena smiles and gets up and goes to her and opens her arms for a hug. Alcina smiles and lifts her and places Serena on her lap and hugs planting a kiss on her forehead. "Pytor come here," Serena says and Pytor gets up and walks to them before he hugs Alcina and begins to cry a little which Alcina notices.

"My dear boy, why are you crying?" She asks.

"Thank you for giv... for giving us a family," Pytor says through sniffles.

"Oh my dear no need to cry and don't hesitate to ask for anything either of you two," she says, rubbing his head, "now what would you two like to do today?" Alcina asks the two children.

"Can we explore the castle?" Serena asks.

Alcina nods, "of course, some areas are off limits though ok you two," Alcina says.

The two kids nod, "is there anything you need from the village I will be there today?" Orion asks.

"No Orion, nothing today," Alcina says.

Orion nods and soon is finished with his food and gets up to get ready for his excursion outside, he gets ready and says bye to Dani and the rest of the family and then is on his way.

Orion spends most of the day in the village talking to his friend's Vasily and the bakery owner Maria, seeing how they have been and they ask the same of him.

"Ah I see you've been marked my friend, this is good," Vasily says, hammering at a commission.

"Yeah, it is," Orion says with a smile.

"If you need some advice or guidance go see about talking to father Carnate, he can help, and rumor is he speaks with a witch, but you didn't hear that from ole Vasily," he says.

"I'll consider it, but I'm off," Orion says before saying bye and continuing his walk about the town.

Orion walks before falling upon a church as he hears a well-put-together sounding voice...

"Ah you must be Alcina's new Steward," the man says.

"Yeah, that's me, how did you know?" Orion says confusedly at the man.

"Well it's my job to know things, my boy," the man says, "apologies allow me to introduce myself I am Father Carnate and I fill in for Miranda when she is busy and I believe we share a common friend," he says, *caw, caw,* as Sam flies above the church before he lands upon the Carnates shoulder and ruffles his feathers before standing at attention.

"Sam?" Orion says, as the bird nods and as a way of saying yep it's me.

"Come in let's have a talk" Carnate says gesturing Orion to follow which he does and Sam flies onto his shoulder and nudges his head like go on. Orion enters the recently renovated church, "Now let's see that mark on your neck?" Carnate asks, Orion is a bit taken aback by the question but slowly does so, "ah I see, it was a connection bite, well congratulations my dear boy your married haha in a manner of speaking and I'd assume you gave her the same courtesy?" Carnate says, "Yes I did," Orion says, "Good, good now I'm sorry I wish we could talk more but I have service to prepare for agh! Damn leg sam-" Carnate says as sam flys off Orion's shoulder to a cane and gives it to father Carnate, " ah much better, oh before I forget, travel to this homes outside of the village and give this to the resident they are expecting it later so when you have the time of course and Sam with you," Carnate says, "oh, of course, I'll be sure to drop it off to them," Orion says, and Carnate nods and bids the two a farewell.

Orion departs from the church to go talk to Vasily and Marie, "how are you two doing?" Orion asks, "ah I'm fine," Vasily replies, "I'm ok dear, but I must be off back to the store," Marie says and says goodbye before heading back to her bakery. "So I see you have mark so I guess luv has mark too as well," Vas says, Orion nods, "good for you," he says and they continue to talk until late evening until Orion remembers he has to deliver that package, he says goodbye and heads to the home outside of the village.

As he approaches the door he can't help but hear a soft voice singing, to him it sounds familiar, Orion knocks on the door and the singing stops and he knocks again, "just a minute," the soft voice says from behind the door, as the locks on the door unlock and the door opens, "hello I was told by father Carnate to deliver this to..." he says but stops do to shock when he sees her, "Marella?" Orion says finally remembering his best friend and first crush, "Hi Ori" Marella says...

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