The Offer

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Hello there hope you all are enjoying the story so far, it may take me a bit to upload chapters because I'm in school for the next three weeks so there's that and the other reason is I've been writing the story on paper first to help me edit and add more to the story if needed, oh to let you all know there will be smut, and lewd scenes in this story they will most likely be mediocre for I haven't written any smut or lewd scenes before so wish me luck and here we go with the next chapter hope you all enjoy. 


Orion felt weightless like floating in water then he heard a faint voice

" You're interesting, I think you'll be the one to help me in the future."

the voice said, letting a little giggle out before it faded away and he began to feel himself floating upward towards a bright light. He then faintly heard two voices "why"... "Bring him"... "I don't"... "Why" and then nothing.

Orion once again slowly opens his eyes as he begins to look around the sterile and white room he looks around the room slowly blinking his eyes, he then hears a sultry low voice.

"Ah you're finally awake I see."

Orion quickly looks to his left and sees a beautiful yet intimidating tall woman who he assumes is somewhere to be 9'6 or taller. He shoots up and backs up, almost falling off the gurney.

"There's no need to be afraid darling," she said in a playfully seductive tone, he slows his breathing and calms himself.

"Where am I?" he said with a confused and curious tone while looking away from the tall lady.

Then the clinking of heels grabs his attention as he feels a cold leather glove grip his chin and pull his head up forcing him to look at this tall pale gorgeous woman.

" What's your name my dear" she said quizzically with that sultry tone in her voice.

"Orion... Orion Groza" he said with a nervous tone in his voice.

She noticed his nervousness and released his chin saying "Groza, are you native from this land" as she walked over to a counter grabbing an old fashioned shirt, and pants and placed them on his lap.

" I was born in the U.S. but my father moved me and my mother here when I was only a year old, so you could say I'm a native." he said, letting a nervous chuckle out.

" Is that so?" she replied, inspecting his being.

"Yes." he replied while still captivated and frightened by this tall woman's beauty and presence.

"Well then put that on dear and then come up stairs to the dining hall. I would like to have a chat with you and no more looking down ok Mr. Groza." she said, emphasizing the word chat as a playful devilish smile grew across her face.

"Ok" he replied sheepishly.

He followed her commands and put his new clothes on and then proceeded his way to the dining hall. As he walked the halls and up the set of stairs leading to the main floor he had finally reached the main floor and marveled at the architecture of the place he was in, as he walked through the halls of this unfamiliar place and finally reaching what he would assume is the entrance to the place, and as he continues to look around at this beautiful place he begins to hear the sound of loud buzzing noise he turn to see where it's coming from when he is met by two clouds of buzzing flies that form into two women with almost the same beauty as the one who stole his heart and eyes.

"What is this, a man thing in our home Cassandra" with a growl in her voice, the blonde one said.

"I don't know, but what are we going to do with him Bela?" the brunette paused to think for a sec. "Let's hunt him." The blonde one said with a hiss in her voice.

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