Chapter 32

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*Spurred on by Mara's enthusiasm, people waste no time in commencing the celebration. Courtesy of Bean, a band hastily sets up in the middle of the lawn and begins to play. People drag chairs out of the way and designate a makeshift dance floor in their place. As Mara, Meruem, and Netero make their way down to the ground floor, pops of champagne bottles can be heard between the chatter.

Mara turns to her right, looking towards her father.*


"I still haven't had the chance to get Bean's contact information, could you please let him know I owe him a massive thanks?"


"Why of course. I know he had a good time setting all this up, he most definitely has a knack for it."

"Let us enjoy the celebration while it lasts, once it dies down the three of us have our work cut out for us."

*Meruem nods in agreement, Netero boisterously laughing in response.*


"You don't have to tell me twice... I'm taking full advantage. Although I'd love to dance the night away, I should really great the guests. I'll catch you two later."

*Mara walks ahead of the two, waving her arms up in a goodbye.*


"I should do the same. Youpi!"

*Youpi approaches Meruem and bows.*

"I want you to accompany Mara, make sure she stays safe."


"As you wish."

*Youpi leaves after Mara, leaving Meruem and Netero together.*


"It's awfully reassuring to know she's in good hands... thank you for that. Regardless, you can expect frequent visits, I've got to make up for my absence somehow!"

*Meruem chuckles and turns away from Netero, the two sharing a silent goodbye. Both go to welcome the citizens of East Gorteau to the celebration.

Meruem steers clear of the dance floor, instead walking around the outskirts where he finds Komugi drinking with Hina.*


"Look who it is!!"

*Komugi giggles and whispers to Hina.*


"Seriously though... who is it!?"


"I'm figuring the King has something to tell you, he's on his way over."

*Hina steps aside, letting the two speak in privacy.*


"Komugi! What're you doing here?"


"Mara invited me... plus I am a citizen you know! It was really nice to hear you two both speak, I'm eager to see how East Gorteau prospers under your rule."


"Mara and I most definitely have our work cut out for us, but I wanted to ask you about something else..."

"Would you like to come live in the palace? I really enjoy playing gungi with you, I'd like to continue our matches if you so wish..."


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