Chapter 3

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Knights, (Y/N) and Saber sadly returned to the non-functioning Fortrex. They sat down in the command center, where there was a platform that Merlok was standing on. No one dared say anything, they just stared at the part of Merlok's mech. Macy sighed.

- What are we going to do now?

(Y/N) sighed, smiling ironically, as she looked at the knight.

- Well, exactly what are we going to do? Nothing! Merlok is dead, Clay is gone, Monstrox is back, and on top of that he's created an army of digital monsters!" - She shouted and slammed her fist on the table.

- Wow, wow, wow, Buttercup, relax! We can handle it, we've kicked Monstrox's butt more than once and we'll do it again."- Aaron said.

- Great, but how? - Axl asked.

- I... don't know.

- (Y/N), you're related to Merlok, Clay and.... Wanda. You have magic too.- said Macy.

(Y/N) shook her head negatively and sighed.

- No. And it's weird that everyone in my family has magic and I only have elemental powers.

Saying that in her hand, the girl summoned fire, then put it out.

- Well, you could say we're in the forest.- Lance commented.

Saber jumped on the table, attracting their attention.

- I may have a plan. Macy, you replace your parents, so you will return to the castle and rule. Aaron, you go for Ava and Robin, (Y/N) you go for Jestro, it's better to have him close to us and so he doesn't fall into Monstrox's clutches. Me, Lance and Axl will stay here and check our vehicles for maintenance.

- WHAT?!- cried Macy.

- What, what?

- I can't be queen! I'm a knight, and I'll be here with you.

- I know, Macy, but think of the kingdom. Your mother and father trusted you and entrusted you with this task, you must do it.

Macy looked around at the others, who nodded their agreement. The knight sighed defeatedly.

- Okay, I'll do it. Let's go Aaron, (Y/N).- she said, getting up and leaving.

The couple quickly ran after her.

= Skipping Time=

The trio reached the castle at a fast pace. Aaron and (Y/N) informed Ava, Robin and Jestro of Monstrox's return and Merlok's departure. Their reaction was the same as the heroes. Shock and disbelief.

Nexo Knights: The Return of the Family (2)Where stories live. Discover now