Chapter 17

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(Y/N) and Saber quickly ran out of the Fortrex. The yellow knight summoned his spirit dragon with slight hesitation and the duo quickly flew towards the sky, disappearing into the portal the beast had created.

The portal transported them to Ninjago and without wasting any time (Y/N) accelerated the dragon, steering it towards the Spinjitzu Monastery.

Saber, who was sitting on the dragon's head and looking at the horizon, turned to (Y/N).

- Hey, are we going to tell them... about this?

The yellow knight furrowed his eyebrows with a look at the rein she was holding in she's hands.

- I don't know... I'm afraid of it. How will they react, our friends... Master Wu, Misako.

- Rightfully... we are all family, no matter if you had your destiny changed or not.

(Y/N) smiled at her friend's words, but didn't have time to reply when the monastery loomed on the horizon. The girl let go of the reins and the dragon dived down. The beast landed in the courtyard of the monastery, shaking the ground slightly.

The friends jumped off the dragon and looked around. They were surprised by the silence that reigned in this place. Not even a sound, not even a bird.

- So quiet here...too quiet.

Saber said darkly, still looking around. (Y/N) nodded and slowly walked towards the sliding doors leading inside the temple. They both quietly stepped inside, looking around.

- Hello!? Ninja!? Master Wu, Misako!?

(Y/N) called out, but was answered by silence. Then there was a bang in one of the rooms, people screaming and the sound of an angry chicken. Saber and (Y/N) looked at each other with went towards the room.

Around the corner, in front of the door of the game room stood Master Wu with a smile behind his face, eyes closed, holding a cane.

- Master Wu?

The old man opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the voice. He smiled gently.

- (Y/N), Saber. Welcome home.

The master walked up to them and hugged (Y/N), who returned the gesture with a smile. When Master stepped back, he saw a great change in them.

- What are you guys wearing?

- Ah, this! These are our armors, Robin made them for us. That little mechanic I told you about.

- There is much to tell, Master.

Saber commented with a wry smile. Suddenly, ninjas in bathing suits came flying out of the door with a bang. They were all sweaty, red in the face and had scratches on their bodies. In front of them lies a small box from which the sound of a chicken can be heard.

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