Chapter 9

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Stone and digital monsters along with Ruina in the lead attacked and plundered the village of Dnullib. The knights threw themselves into battle. 

(Y/N) in the body of a dragon moved on Krakenskull and his beast, knocking them away with the power of earth, and then five gargoyles with the power of ice, freezing them into solid blocks. 

Aaron used spinjitzu and moved on the four digital monsters, beating and knocking them out, before he used his shield and started shooting at the stone gnomes. 

Axl and Lance used and hit the monsters with their vehicles, pushing them away. 

Macy traditionally attacked the monsters with her mace, along with Jestro, who fought with his spear. Saber threw himself at the digital monsters and tore them apart.

Ruina focused her gaze on (Y/N) and using her staff, shot a magic projectile at her. The projectile hit the dragon, sending it into shock. It roared in pain and fell to the ground, transforming back to its human form.

She fell to her side and rolled on the ground. She stood up and shook herself off the ground, quickly searching the witch with her eyes. The two women's eyes met, and Ruina began to walk away towards the forest, provoking the yellow ninja to run after her. (Y/N) growled and drew her sword.

- Nexo Knights! Continue the attack and force the monsters to retreat. I'm going after Ruina.

- What?! - everyone cried out.

- Buttercup, you can't go alone!

- I can handle it, Aaron. I'll be back, before you know it.

After those words, she started to run after Ruina, frowning her eyebrows deeply. Her eyes turned from (E/C) to yellow and she growled angrily. Ruina was waiting for her by the tree with a evil smile. When (Y/N) reached her, her smile widened.

- Hello, daughter.

(Y/N) remained alert, and her hands glowed with yellow energy.

- Hello, mother.

They stood in silence for a moment, looking at each other.

- So, how are you?

The yellow ninja looked at her with a confused.

- How am I doing??

- Yeah, I wanted to know something about you, where you've been for so many years... how you've been doing.

- Ok... well apparently I was kidnapped by some woman, I ended up in another world, I became a ninja. I recently fought a supposed Monstrox and Saber and I were sent to Knighton and met the knights...found out you were my mom....

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