Chapter 13

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Clay rested all night and in the early dawn went with Aya to the field of yellow flowers and began to listen to her lecture about magic. Fletcher was sitting nearby reading a book about dragons that Aya had given him for study. Clevertus lay next to him.

- Remember, Clay. Your emotions affect your magical power. If you're worried your magic is out of control and you're shooting blindly. When you're angry, your magic takes over and you feel like destroying everything. But when you are calm and composed, your magic is in harmony with you and ready to be used at your command. That is what we will strive for. Do you understand?

- Yes, Master.

- Great, then let's start with teleportation. Now, listen. Focus on where you want to go, quiet your thoughts. Just focus on your goal.

Then Aya pointed to a hill with her hand.

- Try to teleport to that hill.

Clay nodded and closed his eyes, focusing. Moments later, his body was engulfed in orange light and he moved up the hill in a swift motion. Aya nodded appreciatively and joined the knight, who sighed, smiling with satisfaction.

- 'You've done great, Clay. You've already mastered the art of teleportation. Now for the more difficult stage. Conjuring weapons.

With that, they both teleported back to their earlier location and stood facing each other. Clay looked at her confused.

- I don't understand, I succeeded once. I conjured a sword during the fight with Colossus.

- No, you transformed magic into a sword, but you are supposed to create a weapon.

Clay nodded, understanding what she meant.

- Okay, this exercise also requires focus. Imagine you need a sword. Watch me.

Clay nodded and Aya by her hands, which began to glow with a golden light. She put her hands together before parting them to form a golden rod. The light receded and a sword appeared in her hands. Clay's jaw dropped, looking up in shock.

- You see. Now you try it yourself, just like I did.

Clay tried to follow the command just like Aya, but without success. He created a ball of magic that slipped out of his hand and at a fast speed, it flashed towards Aya, who managed to widen her eyes in suprise.

The bullet hit the woman, creating a glaring blaze of light, causing Clay to cover his eyes. When he opened his eyes he saw Aya, who had been turned into a horse. Clay's eyes widened in shock and Aya looked at him emotionless. They looked at each other for a moment more before Aya undid the knight's spell and returned to her original state.

- Okay, this spell will require more concentration.

- Sorry, master.

- Don't be. It can happen to anyone. In any case, try again.

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