Chapter 6

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The knights returned to Fortrex and sat at the dining room table. They sat in silence, until (Y/N) grunted.

- So, how did the patrol go?

- Well, me and Axl didn't hit anything suspicious.- Lance relayed.

(Y/N) nodded and looked at Saber and Aaron, who were sitting quite.

- Aaron, Saber, what about you two?

Saber shook his head and looked at (Y/N) in surprise, while Aaron continued to stare dully at the glass of water on the table.

- Nothing. We were in the forest, it was quiet until...- the lion started, and his gaze moved to the glass on the table.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow, losing patience.

- Until?

- We ran into a girl with purple hair, who was in a clearing in the woods well...she brandished a weapon at me and fired a warning shot. If it wasn't for Aaron I would be dead.- Saber recounted in one breath.

The knights eyes widened and looked at the green knight and the lion, like they were crazy. (Y/N) raised an eyebrow suspiciously at her boyfriend, who was still absent-minded. (Y/N) clenched her hand into a fist and slammed it on the table.


At the shout of his name, Aaron jumped up and came back to reality. He looked shocked at (Y/N).

- Yes, Buttercup?

- Are you all right?

- Yes, yes, all clear.

Aaron answered quickly, a too quickly. This raised the suspicion of (Y/N), who furrowed her eyebrows and looked meaningfully at the other team members.

- Axl, Jestro, Lance, come out. I want to talk to Saber and private.- the girl instructed, placing her hands together on the table.

The three men looked worriedly at their friends before they got up and left the dining rooms. Saber and Aaron looked at each other fearfully, before their gaze fell on (Y/N), who was looking at them with a dead look. A very good look into their souls. Saber swallowed and spoke up uncertainly.

- Should we be afraid?

(Y/N) smiled crookedly, but her dead gaze remained.

- We'll see about that. Okay... from the beginning. What the hell happened in this forest?

Saber seeing and knowing that (Y/N) was directing the question to Aaron rather than him and that it would be better not to lie to her, the lion poked his friend with his shoulder and looked meaningfully at the yellow ninja. Aaron grunted awkwardly. (Y/N) in that moment began to remind him of a pissed off Clay. There was a look of calm on her face, but inside she is furious.

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