Chapter 16

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The knights, Aya, Saber, Pola and Fred along with Clevertus with Ruina in his clutches returned to Fortrex. They all sat at the dining room table while the five squires watched the door to make sure Ruina didn't escape.

The silence was downright crushing, and the tension could be cut with a knife. Everyone looked at (Y/N), who was staring at the table in shame. Clay sighed.

- How could you have been so irresponsible (Y/N)? They almost killed you.

The girl sighed and pulled her nose.

- I know, I'm stupid. It's just was an impulse, I...I thought I might have done something.

No one answered anything, they just kept looking at (Y/N). The girl took a shuddering breath.

- I know, that what I did was not fair to you. I disobeyed you, even though you tried to warn me. I didn't listen to you, Aaron. I just... I wanted to help, my mother, you know. Even though I didn't have any contact with her as a kid, and neither did Clay, I felt I had to help her. I couldn't sit idly by and watch this sick necromancer fool her with evil influences!

(Y/N) took a deep breath and finally looked at the team. She looked at each one individually, before her gaze fell on Aaron, who was looking at her with slight surprise.

- When I was in you know, Monstrox had the monsters torture me. Mostly mentally than physically. Dragov he... told me that no one would save me and that I was just a person playing the hero, the knight.

- But you're a hero...

- No, Macy! I finally understood, what I didn't want to answer. Did I have a choice to be a ninja? No, I didn't! I was destined, my stupid destiny made me. Besides, I wouldn't be a ninja if one of us hadn't kidnapped me to Ninjago.

Saying this (Y/N) looked at Aya with a stern look, under which she scowled.

- What do you mean, (Y/N)?

Axl asked unconsciously, while the others knew very well what she was talking about.

- This, Aya and Clevertus took me. Aya snuck into our room, put us to sleep and abducted me.

Aya growled at (Y/N). - I only helped you find your destiny! You were written to become a yellow ninja, it was already in your blood!

(Y/N) gasped in disbelief and stood up from her seat, causing the chair to fall to the ground. She pointed at Aya, accusingly.

- In my blood yes? Well, that's funny! Then, why the hell do I have elemental powers, when my lineage only has magic? Why do I stand out!? All Elemental Masters inherit power from their parents or ancestors! Lloyd inherited power from his grandfather, uncle or even his father, which I doubt. My mother, uncle and brother have magic, not powers!

Aya sat in silence and looked at her student. Knights, Saber, Ruina, and the others looked at them anxiously. Aaron's eyes widened in understanding.

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