Chapter 7

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Clay traveled alone through Knighton, wondering about his fate, about his mother, about his sister, about his uncle, and about magic. He wanted so much to save his mother from the clutches of Monstrox, but for the first time in his life...he couldn't. His magic hand tore at him mercilessly, bringing the boy a headache. Clay groaned and sat on the ground exhausted. He had no idea where to go, he didn't know what to do, he was alone.

Fletcher Bowman, a boy from the Royal Academy looked at the knight with compassion and decided to reveal. Clay heard footsteps and lifted his gaze from the ground and his eyes widened in shock.

- Fletcher? What are you doing here!?

- I followed you.

- You shouldn't be here! It's dangerous!

- Really? I'm mocking the danger, haha!

Clay furrowed his eyebrows and twisted his face into a grimace at those words. Right now, the boy is starting to sound like (Y/N).

- Nevertheless, go home.

- No, I'm staying with you. First of all, I don't know how to go back, and secondly, you need help.

Clay shook his head. - I can handle it.

Fletcher furrowed his brow and crossed his arms.

- Yes, that's what I see. Well, I'm coming with you whether you like it or not, Moorington.

Clay sighed defeatedly. Then he said with sarcasm.

- Cool, just where should we go, tell me?

Fletcher opened his mouth to answer, but realized he didn't know.

Suddenly the wind gathered and swirled around them. Fletcher walked over to Clay, who was struggling get up. They both began to hear a woman's voice.

- Clay... Fletcher... High in the mountains... Temple... Go...

- What's going on?- asked Fletcher uncertainly.

- I don't know, let's go towards the mountains.- replied Clay and started walking towards the mountains and Fletcher followed him.

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