Chapter 14

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The knights ran out of the Fortrex with all speed and looked in disbelief at Clevertus and Aya, Fletcher and most of all Clay sitting on him.

The said knight smiled warmly and jumped down from the dragon's back. The knights smiled broadly.

- CLAY!!!

The team quickly ran up to Clay and engulfed the boy in a strong hug. Clay laughed at their action, but returned the gesture. After a moment they all pulled back.

- It's so good to see you, buddy!- cried Aaron.

- Welcome back to the old ranks, Boorington.- said Lance.

- Good to have you back, Clay.- said Macy.

- I'm glad to see you guys too.

Robin and Ava walked quickly up to Fletcher with shock and surprise on their faces.

- Fletcher, where have you been!? Principal Brickland told us that you disappeared without a word from boarding house!- Robin said.

- Relax, Robin. Remember when we had that special assignment from the professor to do? Well... while I was doing it, I saw Clay leave town and... I followed him.

- You're gonna be in big trouble, when you get back. Izzy said she'd kick your butt.- Ava said monotonously.

Fletcher swallowed hard at the thought.

- Well, at least I had fun and helped, Clay. Okay, I have no choice but to go back to the Academy. I'm glad I had such an adventure with you, Clay.

Clay smiled and patted the boy on the head.

- Me too, Fletcher. Tell Principal Bricklad, that you were with me and that he should contact me. Oh! And have the professor passed this assignment in exchange for your help.

The student smiled and nodded.

- Robin, would you mind walking Fletcher to Academy?

- Sure, Clay! Let's go, Fletch.

Both boys started walking away towards the school. Clay's expression grew serious and he looked at his teammates.

- Do we have a rescue plan, (Y/N)?

The knights were stunned and looked at each other surprised.

- I know from Aya. Now, is there a plan?

- Yes... we plan to make a diversionary attack on the camp and rescue (Y/N) in the confusion. We will explain the details in Fortrex.

Aaron handed to the leader with a defeated sigh. Clay nodded and with that the knights, Aya and Ava headed to Fortrex. Clevertus, who couldn't go inside, squinted and without thinking, jumped onto the roof of the Fortrex. He arranged himself and lay down as if he was in a large dog bed.

=In the monster camp=

Monstrox and Ruina watched as the hacked bots worked and finished their work on Monstrox's weapon. The sounds of welding, hammering and sparking electricity passed through the camp. (Y/N) meanwhile was being mentally tortured by Dragov. The monster was scaring and humiliating her and reducing her self-esteem.

(Y/N) was becoming increasingly exhausted. Lack of food, water and being tied to a tree all the time was making its presence known. With each passing second she was getting more and more frightened. She began to hallucinate caused by fatigue, fear and pain.

Hallucinations danced in her eyes, depicting a large golden falcon that appeared and disappeared once. The bird whenever it appeared squawked loudly at her and flapped its wings violently.

Dragov's whispers of derision and the falcon's cries caused her to have less and less desire  to fight and live. She even began to pray to the First Master, that this torture would end, of which she was a prisoner at her own request.

"First Spinjitzu Master, please help me. Help me get rid of these monsters. I can feel my inner power slowly leaving me and losing any will to fight. The knights were right, but I didn't listen. I believed, that I could save my mother and everything would be fine, in vain. Please... help me... save me.

The yellow knight clenched his eyes tightly and lifted up towards the moon, shaking with fear. Monstrox and Ruina looked at her. The Necromancer smiled contentedly, and Ruina looked at her daughter in pain.

Caesar came over to the pair and stood beside them.

- It seems you have broken her, my lord.

- I knew this girl was not made of steel. Everyone has a weak spot. Even the most golden hearted.

One of the hacked robots from Hoodlum's robot gang approached the trio and bowed.

- Your Highness. The weapon has been completed, just need to power it up.

Monstrox nodded with appreciation.

- Great, now it's time for the most important step. Let the evil...!

Monstrox began, when he was interrupted by a loud bullet shot. The monsters quickly drew their weapons and rushed at the attackers. These are the Nexo Knights! And specifically Macy, Jestro, Axl and Lance.

Monstrox and Caesar's attention focused on them while Ruina looked at Clay, Saber, Aaron and Aya sneaking up on (Y/N). The woman smiled not sinisterly but with relief.

''Finally, they came to the rescue.''

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