Chapter 8

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Macy had been feeling more and more pressure since taking over for her parents. Lots of important documents and ordinances that she had to resolve, which ones were beneficial to Knighton and which ones were not. FancyPants wasn't making it easy for her either. Not only did he call her ,,Your Majesty'', but she also had to wear a dress worthy of a queen. 

Macy missed being a knight and her team more and more, she finally wanted everything to be like before. She wrote messages to her parents, but they didn't reply. She worried, that something must have happened.

Now, the girl was sitting in her father's office, reading for the third time a document that was three pages long. She couldn't understand what the hell was written in it. Macy sighed heavily, put the document down and banged her forehead lightly on the desk. She mumbled to herself.

- Oh, how I hate being queen.

Suddenly a knock could be heard on the door. The princess sighed and straightened up.

- Please, come in.

The door opened, showing (Y/N) with a slight smile. She walked into the office and sat down on a stool in front of the desk. Macy smiled at the sight of her.

- Hi, Macy. How are you doing?

- Hi, (Y/N). Honestly? Terribly, I hate this job! I'm not fit to be a queen.

(Y/N) smiled sympathetically.

- And what about your parents? I think, they know Monstrox is back, right?

- (Y/N) I have no idea. I'm worried about them, I've sent them dozens of letters and they don't respond.

(Y/N) raised an eyebrow suspiciously before looking at Macy seriously.

- Have you tried sending a messenger?

Macy opened her mouth to reply, before she slapped her forehead and groaned.

- God, what an idiot I am.

- You're not an idiot, Macy. You're just tired. Relax, that's what you have me for. Follow me.

The two girls got up and walked to the main room.

- FancyPants!- called out (Y/N).

Then out of nowhere, the aforementioned robot appeared with a nervous smile on his face. He bowed to Macy.

- Yes, Your Highness.

Macy looked up at him.

- FancyPants, send a messenger to deliver a message to my parents about Monstrox's return and they are to return to Knightonia, immediately!

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