Chapter 5

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(Olivia's POV)

First day. It's the first day of school. I feel so nervous. I feel more nervous knowing that it's January and everyone already knows each other. I try to calm myself by telling myself that I can still make friends and meet new people. This makes me feel more excited. We had to wait two weeks before starting school because apparently everyone was on winter break last week so we were going to wait till after everyone was back in school. This thing I really didn't like about this other than me and Olly not being in the same grade is that we had to rent a house so we couldn't see the Legion after school or on the weekends we had to wait till we had a break to travel to the Mushroom Kingdom took a day and another day to travel back, so we couldn't travel back home often. We had to wake up so early today. I normally like to wake up early but this was too early. I still remember having a hard time falling asleep last night even after a restless night walking up to the rising light was not fun. Even when I'm normally a morning person.

"Come on you two, time to get up," I remember the Craftsman saying when we woke us up. Us being me and Olly.

"It's so early," I moaned as I tossed over.

"I have to agree," said Olly. He was also tired.

"Come on first day," the Craftsmen told us, trying to get us out of bed. The rest of the morning went smoothly. We got dressed then ate breakfast, the only part I was confused about was right when we were about to leave the Craftsmen stopped us. He told us he had something for us he told us to open our eyes and he was trying to make us more 'normal' he put something in our eyes I don't know what it was. He told us not to worry about it. It felt weird. After a few minutes of having it in it started to feel more normal. He also told us we could look people in the eyes now. The house we rented was just a few minutes away so me and Olly would walk. It wasn't that hard and that's how everyone got around by walking. There were also lifts to get people to Autumn mountain but that was just because of how tall the mountain was. The walk was surprisingly short; it only took us 5 minutes to get there. When we arrived I looked up at the towering building. We already saw it so it didn't look as big. Most of the houses back at home are one story except the mansion in Toad Town, the castle, hotels and towers like one in Picnic Road and in Shogun Studies. But apparently here most of the houses and buildings like this one are two stories. Mrs.Adams was waiting for us when we got there.

"It's nice to see you two again," she told us.

"You too," Olly replied. I didn't feel like talking so I let Olly do that for me.

"Well I'm here to give you two your schedules."

"Thank you," Olly told her I just nodded. Mrs.Adams led us inside. I could see the other students stare at us. Then the whispers started, We stopped in front of the office where we started the tour. She handed me and Olly a map of the school and a schedule.

"OK here's your class Mrs.Smith will be your teacher in room 7-3," she was talking to Olly. and pointing to the map. "Do you want me to show you where it is?"

"No, I'll be fine,"

"Do you want me to show you where your class is," She turns to me. I'm don't know what to say then Olly whispers to me

"Are you scared?" I want to say no and tell Mrs.Adams an answer but I can't lie to Olly anymore

"Yes," I whisper back.

"I can tell your nails are in my arm," I didn't even realize I had my hand on him, I let go. Then Olly tells me, "it's going to be ok trust her."

"Are you ok?" I jumped. I forgot she was here.

"I'm fine," I told her. "I would be fine with you showing me where it is,"

"See you after school," Olly told me. He walked away trying to find his class.

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