Chapter 32

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(Amber's POV)

During school, the day seemed normal, but shortly after I arrived in Homeroom, I realized there were some people in our class. I didn't recognize them. One of them was a police officer. All of the other students that were arriving at that time were just as confused as I was. Mr. Hewan motioned us to sit down. Once the bell rang, he let the officer speak.

"Many of you probably saw the news over the weekend," he started. Wait what happened?

"What happened?" Gavin asked for me.

"Apparently a video camera captured a strange creature, no one knows what it is or if it's dangerous."

"It's a dragon," some boy said.

"No we don't know that but it might be and scientists are buzzing with excitement to find out what the creature is. Now I'm here to tell you that this creature will not get into the school. And if anyone knows anything about the whereabouts of this thing then tell us. That way we can send it to a research lab."

"Will that hurt it?" Olivia asked.

"No, don't worry. We won't hurt the thing." She looked relieved. After the officer left our teacher showed us the clip of the news for the people that didn't see it. The only part of the creature you could see was its tail. it was flat on the end like a fish tail but more spread out.

For the rest of the day people couldn't stop talking about this.

"I think it's photoshopped," Jackson said.

"Yeah it looked a little out of place," Gavin said.

"Well, let's hope they confirm this before people get too excited," I said. For once it felt like Olivia didn't want to talk. Like that time before with the pencil case. Except this time it stayed longer. Was she worried about the creature getting hurt? I could believe that from her, she never wanted anyone to get hurt ever.

"Don't worry they wont hurt the creature," I told her.

She gave me a weak smile back. I wasn't completely satisfied with her response but I decided to not push it Though she still didn't talk.

Towards the end of the day, Olivia got called down to the office. I wonder what happened. I didn't see her for the rest of the day. I figured that her parents picked her up early, because I didn't see her brother either.

At the end of the day when my mom picked me and Mark up I told her all that happened. She seemed pretty frustrated.

"Ughh, why can't people see that it's fake?" I asked.

"Apparently it was a researcher that took the video, so they think that he didn't lie about discovering a new creature. According to the news he's very accurate with his research."

"He still could be lying."

"Yes he very well could be, but if he is as accurate as people say then it might be real. People don't know the whole animal or what it wants to do. So it could be dangerous," she responded.

"It's fake right?"

"I don't know, maybe," she said. "Thought researchers promise that the creature will not hurt anyone. They're hoping to capture it, if it exists before it can cause destruction."

"That's good that it won't hurt anyone." I hope so.

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