Chapter 10

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(Olivia's POV)

I was so excited; the Legion was going to come visit next week. They're coming on Friday and leaving next Sunday. They were going to arrive on Friday then leave on Monday, but they insisted on staying longer. Today's Thursday, so just two more days of school then they're going to visit for a week. The only problem with being so excited was school seemed like forever. Though I was excited to get to school today, I finally found the pictures Amber wanted to see. The one by Autumn Mountain. It was hard to find any good photos because I had to find pictures without any people in it. I told her I would bring one, but I had a few, it's hard to get one picture of everything. There's the field, the river with the lake, the Water vellumental's temple. Chestnut Valley is on Autumn Mountain, same with Shogun Studies, they have a theater where Rubber puts on her plays sometimes. Once me and Olly got to school, we went our usual ways to our classes. We were running a little late today, so we hurried our way to Homeroom. I managed to make it in my seat a few seconds before the bell rang, normally I was in Homeroom way before the bell rang.

"Where were you?" Amber asked.

"I was late getting to school," I said.

"Oh," she said.

"Wait before I forget here." I handed her the photos.

"What are these?" she asked

"Oh, these are the photos of Autumn Mountain you wanted to see, it was a while ago."

"Oh, I almost forgot," she looked over the photos. "Is this really what it looks like?"

"Kinda but it looks better in person it's near impossible to find a picture that look close to Autumn Mountain,"

"Oh well it looks so beautiful in the photo does it always look like this?"


"How do the leaves keep falling all year round?" Jackson asked peering over Amber's shoulder to peek at the photos.

"I don't know that a good question." Just then Mr. Hewan decided to start Homeroom. So, we were done talking, well until Lunch. This morning I had English, then Math, and we did some writing in English and some equations in math. It was just a normal day. We had Lunch then science and social studies. Then it was Friday, finally today the legion was going to visit. For the first time I was up before the Craftsmen woke us up. When I woke up, I thought the Craftsmen forgot to wake us up which is what happened yesterday, causing us to be late. I looked over at the clock, 5:26. I guess I'm up early; I don't feel tired like I normally do. I look over at Olly. He's still sleeping. I probably shouldn't wake him. I just laid back down and tried to fall back asleep. I looked back over at the clock, 5:28. I sigh, time's moving so slowly. The Craftsmen wakes us up at 6:30. I can't wait that long. Sorry Olly.

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