Chapter 17

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(Mark's POV)

"Olly," I said, it was Monday again. We were at recess talking like we normally do.

"What?" he asked.

"Did your sister wake you up again?" I asked, I didn't think his sister would wake him up again, but you never know.

"No, she didn't," he told me.

"Ok just wondering, but you said you had some family that came and visited over the weekend, how did that go?"

"It went fine, but they're still visiting, they're leaving Sunday."

"My family only ever visits for one weekend."

"Well, they just want to stay for longer and none of them are in a big rush to get back home," he said.

"That makes sense," I said. The bell rang so we headed inside for your next class.

The next day during our lunch hour, like most days I went in the line and Olly went to our table. The line was longer than most days, It happened to be just my luck that I ran into the last person I wanted to see.

"Hey Mark." I pretend not to hear him.

"I said hey Mark," Alex said, giving me a shove.

"Sorry I didn't see you," I said. I couldn't ignore him now.

"We haven't seen you at football in a while," He said. "You've been hanging out with the new kid, right?" Alex was starting to get on my nerves.

"So what if I am," I said.

"What did you say?" he asked. He was hoping I would go back to being one of his friends, not a chance of that.

"You heard me," he was not expecting that, barely anyone talks back to him. It took him a moment to gather himself together, he was shocked.

"You know," he started. "We used to be good friends, really good friends. So why let some Weirdo get in the way of that?" I felt my face burn. I've seen Alex make fun of others before but this time it was different, he was talking about my friend. The line was getting shorter. I just walked ahead pretending he wasn't there.

"Come on guys let's go," I heard Alex say to his followers. Finally they left, I went through the rest of the line and joined Olly at our table.

Later in class we just continued to learn about the same boring topics. The rest of the day went normally. I had Gym today. Unfortunately Alex had this class with me too. Today we were playing dodgeball. This was normally my favorite game, but when they divided up the teams I was on the same team as Alex. The one person who hated my guts. He kept to the opposite side of the gym. We kept playing until the other side had no more people left. Once that happened, there was only a few minutes left until we had to go to our last class of the day, luckily this class I didn't have with Alex. Once in the hall I took a glance at Alex, he looked mad, but I don't know why.

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