Chapter 22

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(Olivia's POV)

"Why does the week have to go by so fast?" I asked my brother.

"What makes you say it's gone by fast?" He asked me.

"Well, it's Saturday and the Legion's leaving tomorrow morning."

"I happen to think that's a good thing."

"Why?" I asked him. I couldn't believe he would want the Legion to leave.

"Well they're just...." he paused. "Well I just think some of them try to find trouble."

"Oh, but you'll miss them, right?"

"I'll miss them but not their loudness, their pranks, or their ideas." He had a very good point. Though it was getting late and all we could do was wait for the next day.

It was morning and finally time to say goodbye, I was going to miss them.

"Bye, have a good trip home," I told them.

"We'll visit soon," Rubber promised.

"How soon?" Olly asked.

"As soon as we decide," Scissors said.

"She's joking," Colored Pencils said.

"I never said I'm joking."

"As long as you tell us first then that's fine," the Craftsmen told them.

"Fine," Scissors said.

"Don't worry we'll make sure she doesn't do anything," Rubber told the Craftsmen.

"Yeah if she would ever know better youse wouldn't have to worry," Tape to us.

"What did you say?" Scissors asked."

"He's so dead," Punch muttered.

"Nothin', nothin' at all," Tape told Scissors

"You're dead when we get home," she said.

"Told you so," Punch said.

"Punch I'm only going to kill one stationery item today, please don't make it yourself."

"Why are you so mean to me?"

"because you're a pain."

"We should start heading home," Colored Pencils said.

"Bye," I told them.

"Bye," Rubber said as the rest of the legion were outside.

"Rubber youse comin'?" Tape called.

"I'm coming chill," she told him and walked out to join them. Olly shut the door.

"The house seems quieter now," I said.

"That might be a good thing ," Olly told me.


"Like I said before they're just loud,"

"Oh, but I'll miss them"

"I'll miss them once they're more quiet,"

"Well I'll miss them no matter what."

"You won't be saying that after Scissors drags you into her shenanigans," Olly said.

An hour later and me and Olly weren't talking about which legion member caused the most trouble. I think they're' all the same. Olly says Scissors cause the most trouble. We were in our room folding origami. I was helping Olly and he was making a Origami crane.

"Olly, can we go outside?" I asked.


"The snow's almost gone, can we please go outside?"

"Fine, let's go." It's mid-February and the snow is starting to melt. In a month the snow would be gone, I always thought the snow looked so pretty. Especially when it was snowing but it wasn't, it was just on the ground.

"Come on Olivia let's go inside," Olly said.

"But we just got out here," I told him.

"Olivia, we've been outside for around 20 minutes."

"That's a short amount of time."

"Well it's also cold outside."

I sighed, "Fine, but the snow is almost gone. It's so pretty."

"You know if you want we could make it stay longer." he teased.

"No you're not," the Craftsmen called from the other room. We started to head to our room. For the rest of the day we continued to fold origami.

We had to go back to school on Monday just like any other day. I was looking forward to seeing everyone, especially after a crazy weekend with all the stuff Scissors did. I couldn't tell anyone what she did. I didn't but I still could wait to see everyone. What caught my attention before we left was the black case sitting in the corner. There were two swords in each section, they were together and looked like a big pair of scissors. Oh wait.

"Is that Scissors' I asked the Craftsmen.

"She must have left it here," Olly told me.

"No, Rubber told me to hide it. Scissors did even realize it," the Craftsmen said.

"Do you think she'll come here?" I asked.

"No, the rest of the Legion is going to tell her that she didn't bring it."

"She's going to be so mad when she finds out," Olly said.

"Which is why next time we see them Rubber's going to take them back, so she doesn't know anything."

"She's still going to find out," Olly said.

"She probably will, but we don't need to worry about that until then.

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