Chapter 8

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(Mark's POV)

"Hey, did you guys see the new kid?" Alex asked. "He looks like he saw a ghost," They started to laugh. Why did I even hang out with these guys? I never had any other friends, so I just hung out with them, we all knew how to play football so that's what we did. It was fun at first but then they started to make fun of some of the other players, the ones that weren't as good. Soon after they just started to make fun of other boys, lucky they stopped there. We started up the game. I looked over at the bench Olly, the new kid was sitting alone, and he was watching the game we were playing. I felt uneasy, he was watching us play not knowing that the kids playing the game were making fun of him. We were finishing up the play when we went back to make new plays, unfortunately Alex was not done yet.

"Hey, the poor new kid is sitting alone. I wonder why." They just started to laugh after that comment.

"What's wrong with the new kid?" I asked. I just wanted to know why Alex couldn't let the new kid have a good first day.

"Mark, have you seen the kid? He looks so pale; it makes him look like a joke. And what with the hair cut?" They started to laugh again.

I couldn't stand to be there anymore; I just walked away and went to join the new kid. I don't know why I joined him. Maybe I just felt bad or maybe it was some other reason.

"Hey where are you going?" I could hear Alex yell. I didn't stop, I just kept walking. When I finally reached the new kid, I didn't know what to do, i just sat down next to him

"You're Olly, right, the new kid? I asked him.

"Umm yes," he replied. Then he asked me what the kids on the field were doing. I explained the game to him a little then we talked some more.

"Do you want to play football with your friends?" He asked. Most people already thought we were friends, I hated getting accosted with them. They were complete jerks, sometimes I wish I never started to hang out with them. Some boys avoid me in the hall thinking I'm going to do something to them, I'm not like Alex and his friends. I decided to tell Olly that they were not really my friends.

"Ok, but then why did you decide to sit with me?" he asked.

"Oh umm... I don't know if you just looked like you could use a friend plus you don't really know anyone yet."

"Oh thanks, he paused. "I never got your name."

"Sorry," I guess I forgot to introduce myself. "My name's Mark." We talked for a little longer than the recess bell rang. We hurried back inside, everyone else did too probably because it was so cold out. The next day during lunch Once we got to the cafeteria Olly sat down at one of the tables and I went to get my food. Once I got back to the table we started talking again. At the end of the lunch period, I looked over at where I normally sit, where Alex and henchmen were. They were glaring at me. Alex looked so mad right now. In his eyes I betrayed him, but in my eyes, he just needed to treat others better. Is it so hard for him to go a day without making fun of someone for not being as 'talented' as him. His only 'talent' was to make others have a bad day. I wish he could see that.

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