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| A N G E L I C A |

The bass from the club bounced harshly off the walls as Harry and I made our way hand in hand to Jake and Genevieve.

"It's party time baby!" Jake slurred as soon as he saw us, quickly standing to come greet us as Genevieve followed suit with a sheepish embarrassed smile on her face.

Harry grunted as Jake squeezed him into a hug, looking as miserable as ever. I made my way over to Genevieve who surprisingly took me into her arms with a warm hug. It's nice to know all that tension has seemingly gone between us.

"Hey, Gels." She smiled, rubbing her hands up and down my back before pulling away and keeping me at arms length.

"Hey." I laughed, striking up a conversation as all four of us made our way into the little booth that Harry had booked for the night.

"Jake told me about what happened back at the shared house, and what happened with Britney at your apartment. That's so scary, I'm sorry you have to go through this." She said quietly, looking at me with concern as her eyes quickly scanned to Harry, who was engrossed in his conversation with Jake.

"My life doesn't seem to stop." I laughed sadly, shaking my head. "It's one thing after the other at this point."

"You have to remember it's not your fault you're in this mess, Gels. Don't be too hard on yourself."

"But I agreed to it." I pointed out, not wanting to fully blame Harry for the situation we are in.

"And he was an asshole that threatened your life. Sure, he's never been good at expressing his emotions, and the thought of a relationship would make him retreat back on himself, but that doesn't excuse the way he's forced you into this life." She stressed, leaning over to take my hand in hers.

"Gen-" I started, feeling an overwhelmingly amount of remorse coming from her in this moment.

"I'm sorry for not sticking up for you in that moment. And I'm also sorry for the way I treated you when you first arrived, I was blinded by jealously."

I smiled at her, telling her she didn't need to worry about that anymore.

"I also see how happy you make everyone. Especially Jake. And for that I'd truly give my life for you, Gels."

"Jesus, Genevieve how much have you drunk?" I laughed jokingly, I felt slightly overwhelmed at the sudden revelations that I needed to be just as smashed as Jake at this point.

"We did shots before you got here, so pretty tipsy." Genevieve giggled. "Speaking of shots, you need some too!"

This had gained the attention of Harry and Jake, who eagerly ushered a waiter over to us as they both ordered drinks for us. I didn't even know clubs had waiters, this is new to me.

Giving Genevieve a soft squeeze on her knee once her and Jake began a conversation, I got up and moved to the other side of Harry, who's eyes followed me with every step I took before I sat incredibly close to him on the little VIP lounge chair.

He was biting on the inside of his mouth with a smirk, and I had to fight the urge to blush as thoughts of earlier flooded my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2022 ⏰

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