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"Hi, I'm Cassie Parsons." I announce to the camera, slightly turning my body side to side as I hold my hands behind my back.

"I'm Kai Havertz." Kai gives a small smile, saluting to the camera as he stands next to me.

"And this is CopyCatCocktails!" I introduce the video with open hands, gesturing to the pop up bar in front of us.

It's been two weeks since I made me and Kai official, and a week since we told social media. Since then, as football has stopped for the Christmas season, we've been requested into countless advertisements, YouTube videos and interviews. Admittedly, we brushed most of them off, as we're trying to spend as much time with each other away from the cameras as we can. But, this particular video, CopyCatCocktails, caught our eye for two reasons. My reason was that I could teach Kai how to make a cocktail, as I haven't made them since leaving Cosmo's. Kai's reason was that the video sponsors an animal sanctuary that cares for injured or suffering animals and releases them back to the wild where they belong. Yes, I know my reason was more self-centred than his, but at least we both wanted to do this!

"Do we answer a question card now?" Kai asks, putting a hand on the stack of A5, laminated, plain cards in front of him.

"Go on then." I shrug, stepping away so I can't see the question.

We both have our own pile of cards with questions for each other, which I guess we have to answer throughout the video. Kai slides a card along the bar towards him, then picks it up and holds it in front of him, keeping the back of the card facing me.

"How many cocktails do you know off the top of your head?" He reads out the card, then slips it back underneath the pile.

I look up the ceiling in thought, trying to remember the ridiculously long cocktail menu at Cosmo's plus the special requests we've made. I heavily exhale, tapping my nails on the bar in thought.

"Ten, I think?" I finally answering, remembering that the video could be on a time limit.

"No, really?" Kai asks, glancing to all of the ingredients around us.

"There's definitely more, but I haven't made a cocktail in 6 months, so I've forgotten them." I defend myself to the camera, praying that none of the bartenders from Cosmo's are watching. "What do you want to make first?"

Kai holds his hands together in front of his chest, slowly sighing as he eyes everything in front of us. All of the alcohol is hidden underneath the bar on two vast shelves, so all he's looking at right now is fruit, syrups, purées and shakers. There's a list of cocktails in front of him, but there's no information on what he needs to use or how he makes them. I'm in charge of talking him through whatever he makes, so hopefully I'm a good teacher! I trained Aidan when he first joined; if I can train a 17 year old boy then I can train a 22 year old professional footballer, right?

"Whichever one is the easiest?" He laughs, his eyes darting over the list of cocktails.

"We'll go with the pornstar martini." I chuckle, as I know this one off the top of my head. "At Cosmo's we made this with gin, so you'll need a set of shakers and a measure."

Kai grabs one of the bronze shakers in front of us with the brand 'Reyka' on the front of them. He then grabs the double sided measure that matches the set, which has a 50ml measure on one end and a 25ml measure on the other.

"So, you'll need 50ml passion fruit gin, 50ml passion fruit purée, 25ml passion fruit syrup and 12.5ml lemon juice." I tell him, pointing to each ingredient as I go.

Kai freezes for a moment, his palms stretched out and his eyes wide. I hold back a laugh, giving him a chance to process everything I said. Everything on the front bar is organised for him; all of the syrups are collected on one side and the mixers grouped next to them. Finally, he ducks down behind the bar, pulling the bottle of passion fruit gin from the shelf and putting it in front of him, then nervously giggling through a wide smile.

Cosmo's Luck // 𝐊𝐚𝐢 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐳Where stories live. Discover now