Chapter II: 'Now Tell Us'

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TW: Swearing?

"NOW TELL ME ABOUT THOSE MEMORIES!" Wilbur demanded. I laughed at his enthusiasm, "O-" "Wait!" He stopped me, "How bout let's go to my room back in Westview Eureka University, gather Techno, Toms and Phil and then you tell all of us?" I thought for a second, then nodded in agreement.

Wilbur smiled, "Go get the child, I'll gather the other two," He ran off, both of us laughing at the nickname for Tommy. "Don't get lost!" I shout at Wilbur. "I won't," A faint voice replied. I sighed, looking at the area. Why? Why did you have to go?


I panted as I grasped onto the gates of E.S High. It's not far from the woods compared to the distance between the woods and W.E University yet pretty far from the cave. "TOMMY?!" I called from the gate. The people outside stared at me. I don't feel embarrassed at all 'cuz we used to do this when I was still in high school. The doors of the high school flung open and out came running a blond.

He jogged down the imperial stairs and towards me, "Ayyy, Tubster!" Tommy's piercing voice rang in my ears as he hugged me tightly. I hugged back."What brought you here today?" He asked, letting go of me. "Come with me, we need you at W.E University," I replied, smiling. "Oookay, buuuut," He looked behind him at the school. "Don't worry, I'm sure Phil could take care of it," I pulled Tommy and started dragging him to university.


"So why did you gather us here?" Philza asked, leaning onto the pillows against the headboard of Wilbur's bed. "Y'know you pulled me out of class?" Techno's monotone voice exclaimed as he sat next to Phil. Wilbur stuck out a tongue, rubbing the back of his neck. "C'mon Techno, being pulled out of class and later saved by Dadza is the best thing! No Class!" Tommy smiled, positioning himself in the relaxing position against the beanbag.

Phil rolled his eyes, "I ain't saving you this time, Toms," "WHAT?! WHY NOT?! IT'S TUBBO'S FAULT THEN, I DIDN'T WANT TO COME!" Tommy shouted, glaring at me. "Shut up everyone! Tubbo has a story to tell!" Wilbur interfered as he closed the door and sat next to me on the carpeted floor.

Everyone's attention turned to me. A shiver passed through my spine. Tommy knows this about me but what will the others react and by others, I mean Techno and Phil. Wilbur did say they all are werewolves but how will they react when they find out about my mate?

"O-Okay, so did Wilbur tell you guys this about me yet?" I asked as I switched to my werewolf form. A quick white light appeared as I transformed and faded immediately. Just a second ago, I was a normal boy. Now, two pointy ears were within my brown hair and a tail attached to my bottom. It was so fucking hard to sit now.

Wilbur smiled as the eyes of the other three widened. "T-Tubbo's a werewolf?!" Philza spoke up. I felt my face heat up. "How come we never knew?!" Even Techno's voice filled with surprise. His voice usually never changes to show emotion. "T-Tubbo?" Tommy eyed me. I looked at him with a puzzled look, "Y-You brought it back?"

Tears pricked my eyes as I looked down. "Y-Yeah, Wilbur made me," I replied. "You brought back what?" Wilbur asked, giving me and Tommy a confused expression. Techno's and Phil's expressions also changed from surprised to confused. Tommy and I shared glances. "Well, I-I had forbidden myself to return to my wolf form until it was the right time," I answered, looking down at my green sneakers.

Wilbur gasped and a sad expression plastered his face, "Oh, I'm sorry if I made you transform too early," "No, it's okay," I replied, looking up at Wilbur next to me with a fake smile. He could tell the smile wasn't real. An awkward silence then started playing. "So, when was supposed to be the right time?" Techno interrogated, breaking the silence. I sighed, "You'll understand once you hear the story,"

"But first, all of you have to turn into werewolves," I smirked. Tommy groaned as two round yet a little pointy white ears popped up from his blonde, messy hair. Each of them had red tips. A tail then swayed out from underneath Tommy and sat between his legs, wearing light blue jeans. It was white with a red tip.

Phil glanced at Techno once before grey ears sprouted from his short, dirty blonde hair. A grey tail grew from his black suit he was wearing. He was just a normal grey wolf. Techno shook his head, "I ain't transforming," "WHY?!" I whined. "Shut up and just tell the story," He said with no emotion in his voice. I couldn't see his eyes because of the pig mask he was wearing but I could tell he was dead staring at me. I sighed and looked away, mumbling, "Finneee,"

Everyone leaned forward for me to start. "NOW TELL US!" Wilbur shouted happily before quieting down. A comfortable silence returned. Everyone seemed enthusiastic and tried their best to keep quiet while I tell the story but I was a little nervous. I sighed and took a deep breath,

"Once upon a time-" 

My WolfBoo(Beeduo Werewolf AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt