Chapter XX: Break Out

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OMFG, 20 Chapters?! I've never wrote just a huge book. I am looking forward to publish an actual book but that also has only 10 chapters, this fanfiction has 20 CHAPTERS?! I'm surprised you guys are even reading this cuz I get bored of long books easily. 

This is so fucking long that I had to write down the shitty plot cuz I can forget it easily. The plot seemed impressive but I bet the story's gonna be better cuz none of you are prepared for what's about to come! 😏 Obviously nothing sexual, just ansgty cuz that's what I like! yeaaahhhhh!

Also, I wanted to say something. @engywook had requested me to add them to the book so I did. Hope you like your placement, Engy. If you want me to take it out, I will, don't worry. I'm not gonna make you go through something uncomfortable.

TW: Swearing, Anxiety and that's it I think. I fucking forgot blood, so I added it.

"W-Who's there?" I whimper, my legs shaking as I stand up. My hands begged to cling onto Ranboo but I knew he couldn't save me now. He has done so much for me. Now it's my time to stand up for him. Out of the bushes leapt out the white snow wolf with red tips.

"Tommy!" I rushed over to him as he laid on the ground, panting. He had blood all over his body and the bandage that Sam had tied yesterday was soaked. His eyes were barely open. "Where are the others?" I asked, helping him up as he transformed into his werewolf form. He sat up and leaned against me, "They- g-got- caught-" He said, between small breaths. I knew it was a bad idea to leave them.

"We need to go back to save them!" I exclaimed, "Of course after you heal, let's take you back to the cave," I started to pick him up when he stopped me, "N-No, let's stay here, if you take me back to the cave, you'll have to leave Ranboo here," "No, I can carry him on my back," I smiled. "Or the other way around," Tommy smirked as he climbed onto my back.

I blushed a bit as I walked over to Ranboo with Tommy on my back and picked Ranboo up bridal style. "OoOoO~" Tommy cooed. "Shut up!" I chuckled as I started walking towards the cave which was seemingly very far.


Last night wasn't great. I lost the others. Tommy got hurt. And the way back to the cave was very heavy. Obviously when I was carrying those two, I felt nothing, but when I dropped them off, my bones seemed to break. All night I could not stop thinking about the others at Dream's. I was so worried that I got no sleep. Now, I have baggy eyes yet I'm restless.

"You sure you wanna go now, you seem very tired," Tommy put a hand on my shoulder. I yawned, looking back at the sleeping wolves. Among them was Ranboo. I honestly had expected him to wake up but he didn't. Good for me, I guess. "Yeah I'm fine, I'm not gonna get any sleep until I get the others back, let's go," I replied before we headed off into the forest.


After a while, we reached back at the castle. It seems like the path has become familiar to us. "You didn't bring Ranboo, how are we gonna keep an eye on him now?" Tommy asked as we reached the humongous overgrown building, "He could hurt the others," I sighed, "Let's just hope the others could protect themselves,"

We headed towards the open entrance, unlike last time, quietly. We peeked in, hiding behind a wall. Niki and Wilbur were in one cage while Techno, Philza and Sam were in another, all of them unconscious. No sign of Dream. "Perfect!" I whispered as we crouched our way to the cages.

I went to Niki's cage as Tommy went to Techno's. I grabbed the lock on the cage, "Shit, they're locked," "What are we gonna do now?" Tommy whisper-yelled to me. I thought for a moment. Voice?! Are you there?! I need help! Ahem, Voice isn't here so you can ask me. Wait, aren't you Voice? No, of course not! We have different names.

Are you my own voice? W-Well, no. Your own voice dumped you 'cuz you are very impulsive and do things without forethought. O-Oh. So, what is that you wanted to ask? First of all, what's your name and who's voice are you? I am Engy, and I am the voice of a reader of this book. B-Book? Nevermind, you won't understand. Anything else?

Yes! How the fuck do I open these cages? Well um, you could... ... ... I could do what? Hmmm, maybe pick the lock? With what? Hair pins? Do I look like a girly girl who would carry hair supplies with her 24/7? Yes. WHAT?! Well, blast the cages off. First of all, you just called me a girl. So disrespectful to the alpha. Second of all, MY FUCKING FRIENDS ARE GONNA DIE IF I BLAST THE CAGES OFF! Fair. Ugggghhh. Well, have you tried controlling your pack members to break open the cages? What?

I mean, if they work together, they could bend the bars on the cage. Right! Thanks! No problem! Engy knows everything! Huh, yeah ri- "TUBBO!" A voice yelled in my ear. I jumped and turned to Tommy. He was waaaaay too close to me for my comfort so I shoved him away.

"You're gonna let the others know if you shout!" I whispered to him. "I didn't shout, I said it in your ear so it sounded like I shouted," Tommy huffed, crossing his arms, "Plus, you zoned out," "Oh, sorry," I said, rubbing the back of my neck. "Well, what should we do?" Tommy asked. "Stand back,"

Tommy walked backwards, closer to the exit/entrance. Suddenly, the chandelier light started flicking off and on. It continued as the ground began to shake. Slowly, I felt my energy draining. The werewolves in the cages stirred awake with bright red, glowing eyes. They lifted up until they were standing and grasped two bars each. It seemed like they were following my actions as I looked down to see my hands grasping on air bars.

I pulled back nothing but the werewolves seemed to pull on the bars, trying to bend them. I put more force in my muscles as the bars on the cages threatened to bend but didn't. Once, the eyes of my subjects flicked a brighter red and I got more strength. I pulled harder on nothing and soon enough, the bars bent enough for them to fit through. I let go and fell to the ground, well, was about to before Tommy caught me.

He pulled me up into a hug from behind, "You did it!" I gasped for air. Who knew pulling on an air bar could drain so much energy? The others seemed to regain their consciousness as their normal eye colours returned. "T-Tubbo? Tommy?" Niki called, slipping outside through the bent metal bars of the cages. The others did the same, none of them having any problems getting out.

"Last time I remember, the bars were straight," Philza pointed out. "That's because tubbo made you bend 'em so you could get out!" Tommy replied, pulling away as I stood on my own feet. "W-What?" Wilbur was clearly confused. "D-Does that mean he controlled us all at once?" Niki asked. We nodded our heads. "My god Tubbo, you're learning quick but that means you drained a lot of energy," Sam exclaimed. I nodded.

"But you should've seen how bright Tubbo's red eyes glowed along with you guys'!" Tommy jumped. "M-My eyes glowed?" I turned towards him. "Of course, when you're controlling someone, your eyes also glow," Niki responded. I sighed, "Let's get out of here, I left Ranboo at the cave,"

"Oh c'mon, you guys just came to the party,"

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