Chapter XVIII: Practiced Alpha

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Today's a h-o-li-d-ay for m-e so I-a-m gonna p-o-s-t!  Also, I wanna say sorry to @FlowerPettles as I accidentally added them to the story. It was supposed to be FlowerPetals but since I had Pettles as an auto-correct, it changed the actual name to theirs. I changed the name to its original. I'm so sorry.

TW: Fighting, I don't think there's swearing so no swearing.

I wake up to the sunlight beaming on my face. I groan as I turn around, laying on my side. My back hurts from sleeping on top of the hard stone roof of the cave. "My god Tubbo, you sleep for sooooooooo looooooong," I heard a semi-high pitched voice say, dragging the o's. "Let him rest, it must have taken a lot of energy from him to actually become alpha," A soft soothing voice replied. "Alpha?" I heard an unknown voice ask.

I immediately jumped up to face Tommy and Wilbur standing beside me. A shocked werewolf stood in front of us, staring down at me. The brunette had dark brown ears and a matching tail with a chocolate brown colour to his outfit. "Rocky, get down here!" I look down to see Niki calling the brown werewolf. "Coming Niki!" The brunette, supposedly Rocky, left, forgetting all about us.

"Whew, that was a close one," Tommy exclaimed, polishing away fake sweat droplets. I chuckled at that and stood up, nudging both of them in the arms. I look down at the overgrown clearing. It didn't seem abandoned anymore. The werewolves had come back here. The pups were back to playing as the werewolves talked and howled between each other, some having playful fights. The area became lively and cheerful.

I looked up at the sky. It was semi-orange and semi-blue; the sun was a few miles away from the horizon. The place I loved the most has returned back to me but with one missing person. My one mate. The Alpha. The Ultima.

"Hey, Alpha!" Sam called from below. I gave him a playful glare. "Sorry, 'Tubbo'" He reframed his sentence, "Come down here," I followed Tommy and Wilbur down the cave and in front of Sam. "Y'know, if you wanna become a successful Alpha and win the Wolf War II, you gotta train," Sam whispered to us. "And how are we gonna train?" I interrogate. "Follow us! Niki, Techno and Dadza are already there," Tommy exclaimed, running into the forest. "Tommy, slow down!" Wilbur ran after him. I giggled as we followed them in.


At first, when we entered the forest from the cave, there was no path or trail we were following. We were just being escorted by Leader TommyInnit. But soon, we ended up on a wide trail. The trail was surrounded by trees but it being wide, the sunlight had passed through the huge gaps between the two trees on either side of the trail. I could tell I haven't been here before.

The sky was already getting dark. The orange had faded and now it's just dark shades of blue. The moon was up a crescent above the horizon. Soon, I heard water rushing. "Are we getting closer to a river?" I asked. "Yep!" Sam replied. Tommy and Wilbur were just moving dots in my eyes, it seemed like they were a million miles away.

As we walked, the cool breezes flew through my hair, sending cool chills down my body but not in a scared way. It was pretty relaxing after the hot spring days of February. Our university was about to end after the month of March and summer vacation was about to begin but who needs to do classes when you've already given the test to go to the Sophomore year of university and passed?

I'm gonna be left in University after Wilbur and Techno graduate from university this year. BUT! Tommy's also graduating high school and will join me in university!

"So Sam, how do you propose for me to actually train to become an Alpha?" I started, breaking the silence between us. By now, we couldn't even see the other two, Sam was leading me now. "Well there is no specific way but I suppose you just need to play with your powers," Sam replied, not taking his eyes off the trail which was now very dark.

"Play with my powers? I have powers?!" I question. "Of course you do," "I thought only ultimas had powers," "Alphas have basic and common powers, not as powerful as the ultimas," "Oh okay, that makes more sense," The sound of rushing water became louder and soon, I found myself in front of a wide river. Niki and Philza were talking to each other, sitting on pointed rocks with not too sharp edges.

Tommy, Techno and Wilbur were playfully fighting. As soon as they saw us, they stopped doing whatever they were and greeted us, "Hewo!" I giggled at the greeting, "Hello everyone!" "So, shall we begin?" Niki stood up from her rock. I nodded. "So, the trick is you're gonna have to play with your skills and powers," Niki began, circling me.

"The best way is seeing how the enemy is positioned and try to think what their next move is so you know what's coming, okay?" "And always try to have the upper land, meaning always try to attack from the top," Sam added. "Not always, you have to make your moves so unique that the enemy doesn't recognise it and doesn't know what's coming," Niki corrected. I feel like I'm in class, ugh.

"You have to make your moves unpredictable," "OKAY! Now can we begin with the actual fighting?" Tommy groaned. "Yes, please, I'm bored," I agree. Niki and Sam share smirking glances, "Okay then," "But one last thing," Niki started. "Never take things in your own hand even if you're the alpha, you have a pack and you have to remember it and work together," They said in sync. "Okaaaaay," I groan.

"Shall we start?" Niki nodded. I looked beside her. Sam's gone. Where did he go? That's when my ears started twitching. I heard a swishing sound behind me. Wait, the sound's continuing. It's getting closer... and closer... and closer... and...

I swung my body towards the object and punched its face before it could hit me. It kicked me in the kneecaps and I fell to the ground, "OWWW," I could hear Tommy laughing, "NOT FUNNY!" I kicked the werewolf in the stomach and it went flying back. Not that far to fall in the river. I heard another sound. This time I was on the ground. What should I do?

I raised my hands in the air as my hands gripped the werewolf's body and threw it at the other one. I stood up and finally glanced at the two. Sam and Niki. "That was so cool! I'm sorry if I hurt you two," I rubbed the back of my neck. "It's o-kay," Niki replied, getting off of Sam. She had landed on top of him but with her legs next to Sam's head and her head next to his waist. Shouldn't have thrown her on top of him.

"I guess you got fighting in the bag, Tubz," Tommy exclaimed. "Mhm," Sam agreed, "Now the control," "Control?" A puzzled look plastered my face. "Yeah, you can control other werewolves," Sam responded. "As long as they're a member of your pack," Niki added, brushing herself. I nod and look towards Tommy, smirking, "Can I control you?" "Try, doubt you could, I'm very manly," Tommy joked, putting his hands on his hips.

We snickered at it. "Yeah right, if you're very manly, why don't the girls like you?" I jokingly ask. "Well... t-they have a bad taste in boys," Tommy makes up an excuse. "And that's why they ended up liking JSchlatt instead?" I snickered. "Oh c'mon, they are a bunch of gold diggers, only want the rich man who is too old for them to even date," Tommy excused. "Excuses," I shake my head. I could hear the others laughing at our conversation.

"Hey!" Tommy pounced at me. It's like my brain stopped working or somethin'. My body froze in place. WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME?! I was doing fine a second ago! I closed my eyes and put my hands over me in an attempt of defence, "Stop!" I honestly expected him to tackle me to the ground but it never came. I opened my eyes to see Tommy frozen in place with red glowing eyes. "Tommy?" I wave my hand over his face.

"Is he under Dream's control?" I started panicking. No, he couldn't have also taken my best friend! "No silly, he's under your control," Niki replied. "My?" I look at my shoes and back at her. "Yes, you figured out how to control your pack members!" Sam exclaimed. I looked back at my under-control-bestfriend with red glowing eyes, "How do I stop controlling him?"

"Just order his brain to return, in your mind of course, not say it out loud," Sam answered. "Okay," Brain, tell Tommy's brain to come back. The red in his eyes formed into smoke and vapoured away into the air as Tommy's normal blue eyes returned. "Tom!" I exclaimed as I engulfed him into a giant hug, "I thought I lost you!" "Why?" He asked, pulling away. "I took you under my control without knowing I did and thought you were under Dream's control," I stick out my tongue as I rub my arm.

"Pfffft, okay," Tommy snickered, "So you figured out how to control others!" "Mhm!" I responded. That's when a brown wolf leapt out from the forest bushes and in front of us. It transformed into Rocky, 

"Niki! We've discovered Dream's hideout!"  

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