Chapter XII: Alpha's Mate

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TW: Long Chapter, Pain, Biting, Mention of Cannibalism, Swearing and yeah. This was pretty fun to write!

"So, Ranboo, Tubbo, you've been hanging out a lot lately," Tommy smirked. "Yeah, 'cuz you're always with Niki and Sam, leaving me and Ranboo no choice but to hang out with each other," I crossed my arms, glaring at the blond. I know that wasn't the real reason, Ranboo knew that as well. Niki and Sam laughed. "Fair point," Niki said.

"It's not too bad though," Ranboo jumped in the conversation. We were walking through the forest, following an unknown path. It has just turned night and the moon is far from the middle. "Real question I wanted to ask is, has something happened between you two while we were gone?" Tommy asked, leaving the smirk on his face. My face flushed red. Ranboo's face seemed to heat up as well.

"N-NO! TOMMY!" I shouted. They bursted out laughing. Ranboo chuckled. I looked down. "Well you guys don't have to tell us, it's very clear that you guys like each other," Sam exclaimed as he stopped laughing. I huffed, rolling my eyes. I had a small smile that quickly faded, not allowing others to see it. What happened yesterday was amazing. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! RANBOO LOVES ME!

"Tubbo, won't your parents be worried about you, I mean, yes they don't come often to visit the house but they would at some point, won't they?" Tommy asked as we continued walking, him sliding between me and Ranboo. Ranboo walked forward with Niki and Sam behind us. "Eh, if anyone will be worried, it'll be my mum but I doubt she'll have the time to actually report it to the police," I replied, shrugging, "Plus, she comes home once a month," "I guess you're right," Tommy agreed.

"Hmm, but when you do go home, will you bring Ranboo with you to confess to your parents you guys are dating?" Tommy's smirk returned. "TOMMY! SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled, my face red. I heard snickers from behind us, supposedly Sam and Niki. Even Ranboo chuckled! What the fuck!

I looked away and spaced out. Tommy was right. Me and Ranboo do have to come out to my parents one day or another. But, will my parents, mostly my mother, approve? If my mum finds out, she'll instantly break us apart. I cannot go back home. If I don't return, I won't have to explain anything to them about me being missing. But, will I be able to stay here with Ranboo? This is his pack of werewolves. I'm not a werewolf. I'm such a misfit.

"Bee?" Ranboo's voice brought me back to reality. "Yeah?" I looked up at him. "We're here," I looked behind him to see Tommy talking to the other werewolves. We were back at the entrance to the cave. "Ranboo can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked. Before Ranboo could respond, I dragged him back into the forest.

"What is it?" Ranboo queried once I let go of him. "Soooo," I rubbed my arm, "I was wondering if I could stay here with your pack," Ranboo smirked, "Of course you can and you will," I gave a soft, sad smile, "B-But, I'm a misfit," "W-What?" Ranboo put his hands on my shoulders. "I'm not a werewolf," "So what? You don't need to be, you're fine the way you are," Ranboo objected, "Plus, if the pack members treat you any differently than the alpha's mate, I'll go cannibalism!" Ranboo growled.

"But can I fit in if I cannot accept myself as a pack member?" I looked him in the eyes. He softened, pulling me into a hug. I clutched onto his hoodie. "What do you need to be to actually accept yourself as a pack member?" Ranboo questioned. "I want to be a werewolf," I replied. A silence played after that.

"I know it's not possible. I'm not born a werewolf," I pulled away from the hug to look at him. I held his hands tightly. Ranboo's eyes lit up and he started pulling me back to the cave. "Where are we going?!" I called from behind. "I have a way to fulfil your wish!" Ranboo replied.


We climbed to the top of the cave and stood there facing each other. Ranboo stared into my eyes. We held each others' hands. The moon was in the middle of the sky. Ranboo leaned closer to me, bringing his mouth closer to my ear, "Sorry it's gonna hurt a lot but I have to do it if it's gonna make you stay with me forever," That was the last thing I heard before Ranboo bit into my neck.

The pain was sharp. I couldn't scream. I clung onto Ranboo as tightly as possible. He bit harder. I squeezed my eyes shut, praying he knows what he's doing. The pain went from my head to my toes. My legs felt like they were about to give up. Ranboo held onto me tightly, making sure I didn't fall while he was biting.

No blood was coming out. The pain started gathering at the top of my head. I started feeling light headed and dizzy, like I was 'about to black out. Then, from my brown fluffy hair, started rising two pointy yet furry ears. My normal ears shrunk and the pointy wolf-like ears grew. The pain stopped as the two grey green-tipped ears stopped growing.

The pain transferred to my bottom. A long, fluffy tail busted open from my pants, making a single tail-hole. It grew as the pain increased. I groaned. Ranboo had started to pull out his fangs from my skin. The grey tail twisted around my leg till it was touching the ground. Ranboo pulled away. The pain faded. All of it. The bite marks remained though, as a scar.

I gasped and was about to fall but Ranboo grabbed me. This had drawn all the energy out of me. He pulled me up and closer to him. Our faces were inches apart. He held me and faced the pack of werewolves that had formed on the ground. I could see Tommy smirking in there and rolled my eyes.

"My dear pack! Let's say I have found a new mate of mine! THE NEW ALPHA'S MATE!" Ranboo announced to the pack. I saw Liza, Azrael, Night and Petals within the crowd. Ranboo looked up at the moon and howled, followed by the pack. Even Tommy joined. I noticed that the full moon was red now. I also got the urge to howl which I never had gotten before. A thing that comes with being a werewolf? I joined the howling.

The werewolves down there transformed into wolves. Even Ranboo turned into his black and white wolf form. I didn't know how to transform but I really wanted to. Body, can I transform into a wolf? Now, my dear readers, you may think like 'TuBbO, tHeRe'S nO wAy ThAt'Ll EvEr WoRk!' BUT YOU'RE WRONG! A white light flashed behind me and now, I was standing on four grey paws. My tail wrapped around my back left leg. My pointy nose pointed to the moon as I howled.

I could get used to this if it means I get to stay with Ranboo even though I still have to process what just happened. I mean, everything happened so fast. But, how did he transform me into a werewolf? With a bite? 

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