Chapter XIX: Found You!

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Hello, I am Apix's younger brother and she writes these stories about Ranboo and Tubbo and the stories are crazy long. They freak me out when I read it; it is gonna take a year to read. The End.

AHEM! SGHHacker, I'm a 'they', not a 'she'! Welp, he left. My brother wanted to write something to you guys so he did! I hope you guys enjoy this chapterrrrrr~ 

TW: Blood, Fighting, Jealousy and y'know the usual angst, I think. Also, Swearing has returned, oh wow.

We tiptoed around the bushes, crouching down as we followed Rocky to Dream's hideout. It's paaaaaaainnnnn. "Are we there yet?" Tommy asked for the gazillionth time. "Tommy, shh, we're close," Niki hushed. We were being escorted by Rocky in the middle of nowhere. The path was very narrow so we were in a line. Rocky, Niki and Sam in front of me and Tommy, Wilbur, Techno and Philza behind me.

All we could see was green and it was so dark since it was around midnight. I was starting to lose faith in Rocky when I caught a glance of yellow. I rushed past the werewolves in front of me, slightly pushing them until I was out of the forest. There, in front of me, stood a humongous yellow castle in this tiny opening. It was being overgrown by vines and shit and seemed very old but was still intact.

The yellow colour was faint as well as the red roofs. The flags at the tips of the pointed roofs were torn and drooping, slightly flowing in air when strong breezes passed. "Tubbo!" Niki whisper-shouted as she reached me. I heard the others reach as well. I looked behind me to see the pack of werewolves with their jaws dropped. "Rocky, you may leave," Sam commanded. Rocky nodded, then rushed into the forest, disappearing.

I looked back at the castle. The windows were shattered while some were boarded up. The giant doors were open, revealing the faded coloured walls and torn tapestries yet the chandelier seemed to be working. The golden throne in the middle, where the red carpet reached, seemed to have rusted with cobwebs everywhere. The cushions seemed dusty.

In front of them were the pack of werewolves I've been training to fight with. The green one obviously sat on the throne, not caring if it was dusty and disgusting. The two sidekicks stood on either side of the throne like royal guards while my Orea boy guarded the door. "How are we supposed to get past Ranboo without letting them know?" Philza asked, walking forward, next to me.

Without thinking or having a plan, Tommy charged at the door. I facepalmed at his stupidity. "Tommy, you fucking piece of shit!" Wilbur ran after him, Sam and Philza following. Niki put a hand on my shoulder, "It'll be fine," It was the last thing she said before she followed them in. I glanced at Technoblade, he looked at me, "Let's get rid of him, shall we?" He nodded before running towards them.

I sighed and crossed my fingers, "Let me win this war for my friends," And I charged at the castle. As soon as I entered, the first thing I saw was obviously Tommy absolutely tackling the shit out of the blue shirt werewolf with Philza helping him. Sam and Niki fought the raven haired boy. I glanced at Dream being protected by Ranboo from Wilbur and Techno. Ugh, the sight made my stomach do somersaults and backflips.

I sprinted at them as Wilbur and Techno got out of the way, me tackling Ranboo to a side, giving them the chance to fight Dream. We rolled and rolled out of the dusty old castle and set free outside, neither of us hurt. His red glowing eyes brought tears to my eyes as he growled at me. He sprung at me, I immediately dodged it, kicking him back. I hated it as he got pushed into the wall yet he didn't give up.

He charged at me every time I kicked or pushed him away and I returned it with a punch or a kick every time. I was doing fine but Ranboo was out of breath but he had no intention of giving up. That's when I realised what was going on inside. Sam and Niki had been knocked out. Wilbur was extremely hurt, holding onto his stomach but Dream looked like nothing had happened. Techno was also sweating.

"Guys, we cannot beat this! We have to leave!" I shouted. "Tubbo, you leave with Ranboo, we'll be fine," Tommy replied, his back turned to me. "What are you saying?!" "Remember when you had made me leave you to be eaten by wolves 2 years ago, I'm returning the favour, leave," "T-" "LEAVE I SAID!" Tommy shouted, cutting me off.

Tears rolled down my cheek as I turned to Ranboo. I didn't want to do this. I didn't want to leave my friends. I didn't want to punch Ranboo. But I did. I punched Ranboo in the jaw, making his mouth bleed, knocking him out. I picked him up and ran away into the forest.


I wasn't even close to the cave. I found a huge tree and rested Ranboo there. I felt so bad seeing him knocked out, knowing that I did it. I felt even worse knowing I left my friends to die. I wanted to go back but I knew I couldn't leave Ranboo. But I also couldn't take him there. I'm such a pathetic coward. I had cleaned Ranboo's bleeding mouth with my hoodie and it was bloody now.

I sat down next to him against the tree, leaning my head on Ranboo's shoulder. That's when I heard the leaves rustle.

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