Chapter XIII: Ultima

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TW: Death maybe? Swearing? Fighting. And idk what else, I didn't proof read. Also, very sad. Might also be the end of the book. 😏

I felt my arms empty and immediately my eyes fluttered open. I clearly remember last dawn me and Ranboo slept in each other's arms. Where is he? The spot next to me on the rug was empty. I got up and rushed outside only to bump into something.

"Tubbo! You're awake!" Tommy exclaimed as he lifted me up from the ground. I winced at the bright sunlight that covered the entire opening outside the cave. I heard howling in the distance. "What's going on?" I asked. "I don't know!" Tommy replied. I noticed Niki helping the pups in the cave. "Niki, what's going o-" "Stay inside!" She interrupted me, leaving.

"Something must be going on! Where's Ranboo?" I turned to Tommy. He shrugged. More werewolves came pouring into the cave, scared and frightened. I went the opposite way, outside the cave. Tommy followed me outside. "What are you two doing?!" A high pitched voice called behind us. I turned to meet a white, almost snow wolf.

It immediately turned into a male werewolf with white short hair. The white ears popping out of the top of his head. He had white, sparkly eyeshadow with pale blue eyes. He was wearing the white version of the same outfit the other werewolves wear. He had a fluffy, white tail wrapped around his leg.

"You should stay inside," He said. "I am the Alpha's mate, I need to know where he is!" I exclaimed. "He's in battle with another alpha," The white werewolf replied. I gasped. "Snuggly! You were not supposed to tell him!" Sam rushed behind the white werewolf, supposedly Snuggly. "Sam! Where's Ranboo?" I asked. Tommy grabbed my hand from behind, "I'm not letting you go there,"

"Neither are we, Snuggly, come," He dragged Snuggly into the forest. "Tommy, I cannot sit back and do nothing while my mate fights with another alpha!" I yelped, trying to get out of Tommy's grasp. "You just became a werewolf a week ago!" Tommy protested, "You are no match for who Ranboo's fighting! Plus, I know that Ranboo knows what he's doing," "But Tomm-" "No buts!" Tommy cut me off.

I growled. As he was about to pull me into the cave, I transformed into my wolf form and rushed into the dense forest. "TUBBO!" I heard Tommy call. I didn't look back.


For a while, I could only hear my footsteps sprinting through the dry leaves on the ground. I almost tripped on the roots two times. I felt like I was lost but I couldn't lose hope. I had to find someone who'd know where Ranboo is. Suddenly, I heard wimping and growling. I quickly turned and peered through some vines to see the two alphas fighting.

On one side stood my beloved. On the other side stood a lime green tinted wolf. It immediately transformed into a green hoodie-ed man with dirty blond hair. He had a round, white mask with a smile on it over his face. He wore black pants. Bandages wrapped around his arms up to his elbows. He had a green tail defensively swaying behind him and two green ears popped out from his hair.

Behind Ranboo stood Sam, Snuggly and other werewolves I haven't met yet. Seems like the other alpha also had back up. On the right of the other alpha stood a werewolf with a blue shirt with a red rectangle bordered with white. He had a blue tail and blue ears, a light blue. He had purple sweatpants on. The blue werewolf wore black glasses with thick, white rims. His brown hair covered his entire forehead.

On the other side of the green alpha stood a raven haired werewolf with a white bandana stretched across his forehead. He had black, sparkling eyes. He had a white shirt with a fire logo and had long, fingerless gloves that stretched under his short sleeves. He wore black sweatpants with white lining at the sides and wore black and white chequered sneakers. His ears and tail were black.

"WE ARE GONNA END THIS NOW, DREAM!" Ranboo yelled. I couldn't see his face as his back was turned to me. I could see the smirk of the other alpha, supposedly Dream, under his mask, "And I'm gonna get the power," "No, you'll never!" Ranboo objected. "Look, I don't wanna fight you, your pack's way stronger," Stated Dream.

"You know it yet you won't let me be!" "I have my ways," Dream smirked. The two behind him shared smirking glances. "I'm gonna reveal your little werewolf secret~" Dream sang. Ranboo instantly tensed up. I was as confused as Ranboo's pack behind him. "No you're not!" Ranboo growled, going into his wolf form. Dream followed suit, "Yes I am~" They started circling.

Ranboo pounced at Dream. I gasped. They rolled on each other and spread apart, standing on their feet, then went back in again, this time, Dream biting Ranboo in the leg. I wanted to help him but my legs froze. My brain couldn't work properly. Ranboo yelped in pain and growled. They continued fighting and moved farther from Ranboo's pack. That's when I noticed that there was a cliff behind them.

"Ranboo!" I yelped as I revealed myself, jumping out from the cover of vines. They paused with Dream inches from the edge, Ranboo standing in front of him. Everyone's attention went to me. "Tubbo! There you are!" I saw Niki and Tommy arrive at the scene. Dream smirked, "So that's your little bee?" "Awww, so cute," He faked cooing. Both me and Ranboo growled at him.

The sky got darker. The sun started disappearing. A SOLAR ECLIPSE?! NOW?! The sun was completely blocked out. The sky was like nighttime. What was happening?!

"You said he loved you very much, but will he after he finds out your little secret?" Dream stated. Ranboo tensed up even more. "Will anyone like you after they find out?" He continued. "You better not," Ranboo snarled, walking closer to him. I tried to stop him but Sam grabbed me from behind.

"Ranboo." Dream started. "You better not!" Ranboo yelped, speeding up his pace. "Is." "DREAM!" "An." "DREAM STOP!" "Ultima!" Ranboo sprung at him and both fell off the cliff. "RANBOO!" I escaped Sam and rushed to the cliff. I peered down. There was no sign of any of them. Only treetops. "NO!" I fell to my knees, crying in my hands.

My WolfBoo(Beeduo Werewolf AU)Where stories live. Discover now