Chapter XVI: Barely Escaped

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TW: Abuse, Fighting, Blood, Lots of Blood, More Blood, Blood, Blood, Blood, Blood, Blood, ANNNNNND Blood. Also, cuts and bruises I guess. AND OFC SWEARING, I think? Enjoy! I know all of you LOOOOOOVVVVVVEEEEEE Blood. Seriously, lots of blood. Don't read this if you are uncomfortable with it, please. This chapter isn't that important, just bloody shit. Stay safe, everyone!

"W-W-What?! How?!" Sam yelled. Dream chuckled, "The solar eclipse that took place when we fell off of that cliff, it brought the ultima's power ball out of Ranboo and due to whatever gravity is, the power ball fell down and hit me, fusing with me and giving me the powers!" "You are unworthy of it, Dream," Niki exclaimed, taking a step forward.

"And who's gonna stop me?" Dream laughed. Wilbur patted my shoulder, "Him," I felt my body heat up. "Him?!" Dream bursted out in hysterical laughter. We watched his laughter die down after a bit. He wiped a tear away from laughter, "Ranboo," He got all serious, "Strike,"

Without delay, Ranboo pounced at the first person he saw. Which was supposed to be me, but he leapt at Niki, who was standing next to me. "NIKI!" I shouted, turning towards them behind us. Niki struggled to get Ranboo off of her, kicking and punching the now-wolf Ranboo. Sam turned into his wolf form and vaulted at the Oreo coloured wolf.

I heard a loud shriek from Ranboo as Sam bit Ranboo's leg. Niki took this as a chance to get up and instantly turned into her wolf form, clawing Ranboo's face. Fresh blood marked the areas the claws dug in.

Next was Tommy. He had turned into his wolf form and darted at the monochrome wolf, slashing the wolf's side with its sharp claws. Ranboo howled in agony and it brought tears to my eyes as I watched them fight. Dream seemed to be getting pissed off by Ranboo losing.

Technoblade, of course being the Blood God he is in Minecraft and one of the best PvP-ers, turned into his wolf form. He was a darker shade of pink than Niki. He still wore his crown which had shrunk to fit between his ears and his pig mask stood between his nose, two tusks on either side of his nose. It looked like he had two noses as his wolf nose peeked out from under his pig snout.

He dealt Ranboo a lot of damage, biting him in his ears or tail, digging claws in wherever he could on the alpha's body. Ranboo's body as well as Techno's paws were covered in the dark red liquid by now.

Wilbur let go of my shoulders and joined 'em, turning into his wolf form. He was a complete brown wolf. His red beanie still stood between his ears, getting squeezed. He pounced at Ranboo, pulling by the ear and flipping him upside down. Ranboo tried to get up but Wilbur locked him to the ground.

"RANBOO! DO SOMETHING!" Dream demanded. Then, a green light flashed behind Dream's mask and Ranboo's red eyes seemed to flick brighter for a second. All of a sudden, he used his hind legs to push Wilbur off. As soon as Wilbur did, Tommy pinned him to the ground and he immediately bit Tommy. "OW!" Tommy shrieked, backing off.

Blood started dripping from Tommy's right leg. "Tommy!" I yelled. I watched so much happen and still happening but my body refused to help. I couldn't hurt Ranboo. I just couldn't! Ranboo slashed Niki's face with sharp claws, making her bleed from her mouth. Then he dug his claws into her neck. "NIKI!" I rushed to help her.

I transformed into my wolf form and sprinted between Ranboo and Niki. Niki coughed up blood as Sam took her farther from the fight. I stared Ranboo dead in the eyes, my eyes watering. "Ranboo, you NEED to take control over yourself!" I yelped at him. He had no reaction. "He can't. The ultima's powers are the strongest," Dream interfered.

Ranboo inched towards me. "Ranboo!" I cried as I stepped back, "Ranboo, don't do this!" He didn't stop. I could see Wilbur behind him walking forward but I mouthed a 'I'll handle this' to him. My eyes went straight back to looking at Ranboo's as he stepped closer.

Then, he lunged at me. I couldn't move. I couldn't dodge. I knew I had to take this. I had to. If he wants to do this to me, he will. I ain't refusing anything. I squeezed shut my eyes as I heard Tommy scream, "TUBBO!"

Everything went silent. Everything was dark. Pitch-black. Pin-drop silence. What was happening? Was I in heaven? "Ranboo stop!" I heard Dream shout. Nope, still in hell. My eyes blinked open to see Ranboo's face inches apart from mine. He growled at me. My head was almost touching the ground as it hung low. "I want to torture you more later on, see ya later, bitch," Dream laughed.

He disappeared within the silhouettes of the dense forest. I looked back at Ranboo. He gave me one last snarl before heading out into the forest. As soon as he disappeared, I collapsed on the ground.

My WolfBoo(Beeduo Werewolf AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt