Chapter XXIII: 'My Job's Done'

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TW: Do not read if you cannot handle sad moments filled with wholesomeness. Just know, this is the end. There will be no alternative endings so feel free to make your own sequels with credits given to me.

"Happy?" Dream groaned. We bursted out in cheers as I let him get up. I was jumping up and down in excitement. "YESSSSS!" "OMG, WE WON THE WOLF WAR II" "All because of you Tubbo!" My pack surrounded me and gave me a giant hug. Only one person was missing. Ranboo. "Good luck getting your boyfriend back," Dream teased, in a friendly way. He left, followed by his pack.

I glanced outside to see the tall black and white werewolf stare into the orange sky. He was on top of a huge pointed rock, pointing towards the sky. I rushed over to his side and gave him a quick hug. He seemed startled but quickly hugged back before I pulled away. I stood beside him, looking down, my hands behind me. I glanced back to see the others smiling.

"So, does that mean we get to live together in peace finally?" I heard Ranboo sigh as he walked down the rock. I followed him. Sam's and Niki's face immediately dropped. They knew what was happening. As we reached the grass, Ranboo took my hands and looked me straight in the eyes. I stared back. "Are they gonna kiss now?" Tommy teased. I rolled my eyes. Ranboo didn't seem bothered, he seemed sad.

"T-Tubbo?" He called. I hummed in response. He took a deep breath before saying, "All of us Ultimas have a special task. It's giving up the Ultimas powers and passing it onto someone else," "Usually, they give it to their children or grandchildren, but I wanted to give it to you," He continued. The others stared at us but I didn't mind. I smiled.

"But after the task-" Ranboo looked down, "T-They fade," My heart immediately dropped, "T-T-They what?" "Fade," Niki repeated, "This only happens to Ultimas," "Wait, does that mean Tubbo will fade too?!" Tommy seemed concerned. "Nope, only born werewolves do, he wasn't born one so 'no'," Niki replied. Tommy sighed in relief.

"But that means-" I looked at Ranboo, tears rolling down my cheeks. I pulled Ranboo into a hug, crying into his chest, "NO! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME AGAIN!" Ranboo calmly patted my back, drawing circles into it, "I have to go," I pulled away and stared at his eyes, my face tear-stained, "Ranboo, no!" "He doesn't have a choice!" Sam chimed in. I looked down.

"You'll be fine with your new pack, after all, you care about them a lot," Ranboo chuckled. The sentences I said flashed in my mind, "Let me win this war for my friends", "No! I need them to protect my pack!" "Oh so you'd rather choose your pack over your mate?" "Yes," I had won this war for my pack, not even thinking once about Ranboo. I'm so selfish.

Ranboo pulled me into one last hug. I pulled away after a few minutes, still holding both of his hands. He leaned down to kiss my forehead. Then he whispered in my ear, "You have a nice ass," I chuckled, looking up at his soft smile. "Your a great Alpha, a great Ultima," He stated, "A great mate," His eyes glistened as they welled up with tears, threatening to fall.

Soon, a strong breeze passed, taking Ranboo with it as he turned into dust. His hands escaped mine. The last thing I heard was,

"I Love You, Bee,"

My WolfBoo(Beeduo Werewolf AU)Where stories live. Discover now