Chapter III: Left

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TW: Ehhhh Swearing I guess? And maybe mention of death?

"Tubbbboooo!" Tommy whined. "What?" I asked, looking at him, annoyed. We were walking to our lockers from History class. It was our second period of the day and we were already bored out of our minds. But at least this is the second day of the month after which I'LL GO TO COLLEGE! MEANING NO HIGHSCHOOL! But more homework, ugh. Tommy's somewhat lucky, he'll go to college next year 'cuz this is his third year.

We walked past a million people in the blue hallways. I turned to my locker as we reached it, Locker 102. Tommy's locker is right next to mine. "Soooo, I was wondering if you wanted to come to the woods next to Eastside Silverleaf Highschool with me?" Tommy smirked, opening his locker and stuffing his books in it.

I closed mine, "And skip Mathematics class?" Tommy rapidly nodded his head, closing his locker. "Hell no!" I leaned against my locker. "Why, Tubbussy?" Tommy chuckled. "Don't EVER call me that!" I growled, "It's just I have to get good grades to pass highschool and good grades mean A's, I have never gotten above a B-!" "Ugh!' Tommy replied, "School sucks,"

"And never lets go of my dick," I chuckled. Tommy laughed. "Come on! Let's go to the woods," Tommy once again deadpanned. "B-" "PLEEEEEEASE?!" "F-Fine," I agreed looking around. People were staring at us, stopping on their tracks. This is normal. This is how we became popular after all. "Let's go then!" Tommy leapt and sprinted towards the door like nothing had happened. I chuckled and followed him.


It was an hour long walk to the woods from E.S High but none of us felt tired when we reached it. The whole walk, Tommy had been talking while I listened and said a few words occasionally. That's our friendship alright. As soon as we reached it, we froze.

The trees let no sunlight pass through them, making the forest quite dark. On top of that, today was a cloudy, grey day. We could hear different calls from animals and we aren't even in the woods yet. "You sure you wanna go inside?" I asked. "What are you, chicken?" Tommy laughed. "HELL NO! Let's go!" I replied, marching towards a small path within the trees. As soon as I entered it, it felt like someone turned off the Sun. Not that it was showing today.

"Tommy?" I looked behind me and instantly leapt backwards. There, now stood Tommy with two white ears with red tips, matching his red and white t-shirt. The ears sat above Tommy's noodle-like messy, blonde hair. A white tail with a red tip swayed behind his light blue ripped jeans. The ears were pointing towards the right and Tommy looked like he was trying to navigate a sound.

"T-T-Tommy?!" I shouted. His attention immediately fell on me. "We gotta go!" He yelped as he grabbed my arm and pulled me in the dark and dense forest.


"TOMMY, WHERE ARE YOU TAKING ME?!" I screamed, wanting him to let go of me. As we ran through the forest, branches scraped my body and I tripped over rocks but Tommy didn't stop pulling me. I was right next to his tail, flying beside me. Tommy's a werewolf?! How come I never knew?! I was scared out of my mind. This would've never happened if I hadn't agreed to come with him into this forest.

"AAAWWOOOOOOOOOO!" I heard howling in the distance. "Oh no! They're getting closer!" Tommy spoke up. "WHO?!" I questioned, loud enough for Tommy to hear but he didn't answer. "TOMMY!" I pulled myself out of his grip. He halted and looked at me, "We have no time, WE HAVE TO GO!" He yelled. "Where!? What's happening?" "I'll tell you later," He tried to grab my arm but I backed off.

"No! Tell me now!" I demanded. "Tubbo, please understand," Tommy replied, "I'll tell you everything, leaving no details behind, just come with me," "AAAAWOOOOOOO!" The howling seemed closer. I looked behind me and how did I not have a heart attack? A pack of at least a million wolves were chasing us! I gasped and looked at Tommy. He grasped my arm, "COME ON!"

He started dragging me once again. My legs hurt with this but I couldn't tell Tommy to stop. If we stop for a second, we'd be eaten by those wolves. "AAAAWOOOOOOO!" They howled behind us. "Tommy, I can't do this, I'm not fast enough," I said. "I don't care, we have to get out of here safely, BOTH of us," Tommy replied, not looking back at me.

I looked at my tired yet running feet. I couldn't do this. I know I couldn't. But if I don't get out of Tommy's grasp, both of us will be eaten. I have to get him out even if the wolves eat me. I stopped and pulled out of Tommy's grip. "TUBBO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Tommy turned to me. He was sweating fucking hard. Blood dripped from the holes in his jeans.

"Tommy, I can't do this!" I exclaimed. "So, you're just gonna stand here?" Tommy huffed. "Yes, and you're gonna leave," I said. "AAAAWWOOOOOO!" The howling got closer. "Tubbo! What are you saying?! I'm not leaving you," Tommy yelled. "Well you have to!" I demanded. "Tu-" "TOMMY, YOU'RE GONNA LISTEN TO ME! LEAVE!" I shouted, closing my eyes, hearing the paws of the wolves get closer.

I opened my eyes. Tommy stood there, breathing hard. "Tubbo..." I smiled and grabbed his hand, looking him straight in his diamond blue eyes, "Do it for me, please?" He looked down. "Tommy, can you promise me something?" I spoke quietly. He looked up to meet my eyes, "Live for me," Tears rolled down his cheeks as he put my hands in his. "T-Tubbo.."

I back off and towards the direction the wolves are coming from. "Leave," I mumble, looking down at the grey grass. I hear slow footsteps. Then, those footsteps become fast until they fade. They're replaced with the paws of wolves.

My WolfBoo(Beeduo Werewolf AU)Where stories live. Discover now