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The next morning, Estella had been called over to Elena's house because apparently her being there was more important than her sleep. Let's just say Estella was in a mood.

She knocked on the door, furrowing her eyebrows when seeing Damon's car at the front. Elena opened the door seeing the witch, "You're here, come in. I already called Stefan and Damon earlier."

Estella hums in acknowledgment before walking in to the kitchen where the vampires were. She automatically went over to were Stefan was standing with his arms open for her.

She leant her back against his chest as Elena clenched her jaw at the new couple. "So what is it? You called us all this early for what?" Damon asked a little annoyed since he had plans with a certain Hybrid today.

Elena picks up a white envelope that was on her doormat that morning. In ornate handwriting were the words, 'Elena Gilbert' at the front. "It's an invitation." she starts reading it out, "Please join the Mikaelson Family, this evening at seven o'clock. For dancing, cocktails and celebration."

"You got yours already, I helped Lijah make those and I still haven't got mine." Estella said with a slight pout on her face making Stefan chuckle at how adorable she looked. He tightened his hold around her waist bringing her closer into his chest.

"Wait, there's a note on the back." Elena said hastily to swallow the jealous feeling gnawing in her stomach at their display. "Elena, I think it's time we finally meet, Esther."

Estella narrowed her eyes at the letter before standing up straight again and picking up her purse, "Well I'm off to go see Bex and then to meet Care at the Grill. Bye amore. (Love in Italian)" She kisses Stefan lightly making him smile before hugging Damon and walking out.

"Wait Star!" Damon runs after her before she reaches her car. "Yes?" she asks in confusion.

"Well I was wondering, if erm Kiara was going to this ball, you know just asking?" he says stumbling over his words a little.

Estella bites her lip to stop herself from laughing, "Yeah Dames, she is going, she will see you there right?"

"Yep, okay than see you later." Estella gets into her car watching in the rear view mirror how Damon's lips turned into a grin pumping his fist lightly in celebration.


In the Mikaelson mansion, music was playing as everyone got ready. Rebekah was on the couch having her nails painted by an assistant, Kol standing before a full-length mirror wearing a suit. Finn and Elijah on the side picking out shoes for the evening.

Klaus was stood watching everyone, he never thought his family would be able to sit in a room and enjoy themselves without arguing.

"Rebekah? Tell me how handsome I am." Kol says turning to his sister with a wide smirk.

"Ah Kol, you know I can't be compelled." Finn grins at Rebekah's snark. The door opens and in walks Estella her Louboutin's clicking on the marble.

"You sent Elena an invite before me." She huffs before sitting next to Rebekah leaning her head on the blonde's shoulder dramatically.

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