(25) Royally Sold- Truth

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  • Dedicated to All my fantastic readers, commenters, voters and fans ;)

Hey guys! How’s it going? Sorry for taking so long to upload...school is stupid! Haha anyways here is the next chapter hope u guys like! xD

This by far is a really hard chapter to write! Ugh!


Royally Sold



“You can’t be serious?” whispered Hayden furiously. I just nodded my head, and reached out to open my father door, he slapped my hand away.

“Dude, once this gets out, who knows what will happen!” he yelled at me, grabbing me by the shoulder, my eldest brothers Dandre and Cole were just standing there, they agreed with me and Caden and Ayden agreed with Hayden. Either way it was tied. I pulled my shoulder away from his grasp and levelled my eyes with him. His wings were slightly spread indicating his agitation. Hayden’s blue eyes were bright; he had dropped Luna off somewhere, in some tree. If she were here she would have probably burnt me to a crisp.

“I have to tell dad! He has been in depression since she was gone! The kingdom has the right to know!” I yelled back. Hayden looked taken a back. He just kept quiet and finally looked up at me.

“Dude think about Luna and how she will react to it all...she is going to get hurt out of this...I just know it”  he looked at me and then walked away.

“Hey where you’re going?” I asked. He turned around, Ayden on his heels.

“To get Luna of course” he smiled. I just nodded and took in a deep breath. He walked out and spread his wings, Ayden trailing behind him.

“Okay so who’s telling dad?” I asked clapping my hands together, they all gave me an incredulous look.

“Your idea, so you tell dad” said Cole and crossed his arms, smiling smugly.

“Stupid older brothers” I muttered. I then opened the door...damn some shit is going to go down now.


“What the fuck are you talking about?!” yelled my father in my face. I was the only one here, Cole and Dandre had deserted me as soon as my dad started yelling. I cringed back.

“I’m serious dad” I whispered and took a wise step back. My dad stepped out from behind his desk and grabbed me by the front of my collar. This was a bad idea...

“Don’t lie to me boy!” he bellowed and I felt myself being lifted up, my father was a happy man, he hardly got mad at about anything...but when he was mad, you wanted to crawl into a hole and die. My father’s white wings were spread, he was really pissed!

“I’m not lying to you dad! I would never lie about something so big! I also didn’t believe it at first. Then I saw her wings, I went into her mind. I saw it all dad, I saw what happened to her and I know why she is here now. Dad, please, I'm not lying” I was scared, screw that I was terrified. Terrified my dad was going to burst, his face was red and his green eyes gleamed with fury, I swear he was going to pop a vein! My father looked at him and the turmoil within him seemed to die down a bit, he slowly let go of my shirt and then looked at me hard.

“You cannot be serious?” his voice was soft and he looked as if he was defeated, he went to his desk and slumped down in his chair and held is head in his hands. I’ve never seen my father so vulnerable before.

“Dad, I am we’ll even bring her to you to show you” I spoke slowly.  He lifted his head from his hands and I saw the sombre look on his face. Dad was confused.

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