(15) Roylly Sold- A Race and Plenty of Stupidity

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This is for EvE_96 'cause she is now my stalker and likes to say hi and Dreamdust 'cause she is now my other stalker and her initials is like mine DD hehe lol heres the upload!!!

 The heat is killing me!!!

And my dog has gone crazy T_T

Sorry for switching POV's so much but it must be done!! haha


Sick of crying, tired of trying, yeah I am smiling but inside...I'm dying

Royally Sold

Ch15- A Race and Plenty of Stupidity

Lucas POV

Okay so after the incident with that man who said he saw a black angel, Luna got majorly pissed. She picked the 'cup' she made for me and she threw it at the guys head. Needless to say he was knocked out stone cold. He probably would have thought that he walked into a tree or something and dreamt the whole ordeal. I was still in shock after I figured out that my sister was no longer dead. I wanted to spend more time with her and get to know her but I remembered my mother's threat. So I couldn't, although it wouldn't stop me from doing it in secret. i pray I don't get discovered!

 What still concerned me was the fact that she didn't want me to tell the others. It was going to be hard especially when my brothers and I told each other everything. My hand still hurt like a mother! Luna was still apologising to me, saying she didn't mean to do it. I know she didn't mean to that's what she doesn't get! I sighed she was sweet everything I could hope for in a sister.

When I got back from flying with Luna that day I was instantly nervous. I was nervous because what if I accidentally spilled her secret to my brothers. Cole and Dandre could get anything out of me...stupid older brothers. It's not like they resort to violence or anything they just knew how to get to me. it was a few days after I had gone flying with Luna.

Luna had asked me to take her flying again, she told me to just drop her off where we had been before. She wanted to check whether that man had come back in search of her. I mean you never know that guy can tell my mother about his weird dream and she is bound to become suspicious. Luna's said she will be fine and she wouldn't even let her wings show. I highly doubt that, after having a taste of flying she wouldn't want to. She also insisted that she would walk home...haha yeah right she would probably fly and act inconspicuous. Stubborn girl. She also I flew home enjoying the ride; it helped me to clear my thoughts and get ready to lie again. I wanted to tell my brothers but Luna insisted I didn't. I was so confused. I landed softly on my window sill; it was still pretty early it was around noon I think.

"hooga booga!" yelled someone. I yelled and fell back on my ass. What the hell? Cole and Dandre stood in front of me laughing their asses off.

"What the hell man?" I asked and got up. They both took a hold of my shoulders and lead me to my bed and pushed me onto it. I was thoroughly confused. What did I do wrong this time.

"What did I do wrong now? I swear that servant girl is lying I wasn't the one to break the window!" I yelled frantic.

"What window?" asked Cole. Oh thank god they don't know.

"Exactly" I said and smiled a jubilant smile. Cole just shook his head at me.

"We want to know what the hell is wrong with you? I mean you have been acting so weird these past few days" Dandre looked down at me. Shit did they know? Do they know I'm keeping a secret? If they find out about Luna I'm screwed.

"What do you mean? I'm not hiding anything!" shit! What the hell is wrong with me? why can't I keep my mouth shut!

"So you are hiding something?" Dandre raised an eyebrow at me. How does he do that? I need to learn to shut up!

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