Dinner Dates-

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VanossGaming (Evan Fong)- He LOVES taking you out to dinner any chance he can get. He just loves spending time with you and taking you out anywhere because he loves you that much.

Daithi De Nogla (David Nagle)- He's a hermit so he doesn't really go out much but when it's a special occasion that's when he'll take you out but you always have fun regardless and he can be quite the romantic when he wants to be.

I Am Wildcat (Tyler Wine)- Also quite the hermit but doesn't mind taking you places. Sometimes he'll be romantic and take you to a restaurant and other times you'll just order fast food and watch movies in your pj's either way you both have so much fun.

H20Delirious (Jonathan Dennis)- He ADORES taking you out. Literally he takes you out like every weekend. He'll surprise you with a new place literally everytime and he LOVES your reactions to them and it just makes you both so happy.

BigJigglyPanda (Anthony Brown)- He'd rather order food and stay in than go out but it doesn't mean he won't every once in a while if it's like either of your birthdays or anniversary. But most times he'd rather just order food in and watch movies with you which is fun regardless.

TheGamingTerroriser (Brian Hanby)- He enjoys taking you out dinner every once in a while. You pretty much do it maybe once or twice but it's very lovely and enjoyable to get out every once in a while and spend quality time together because you know how hard he works and don't mind it of course but he also wants to make sure you're loved and that he loves you which is very sweet of him.

FourZer0Seven (Scott Youker)- Same as Anthony. He'd rather stay inside, order food and watch movies with you than go out.

BasicallyIDoWrk (Marcel Cunningham)- He's also a gentleman and romantic, he literally goes all out whenever you both go out to dinner it just makes you both so happy.

Moo Snuckel (Brock Barrus)- Oh man he's such the romantic gentlemen you have no idea. He loves to take you out but whenever it's your birthday or anniversary, he literally plans the ENTIRE day with you and doesn't tell you about it and whenever you find out where you go, you just fall in love with him more and more and you both just love it so much.


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