Nervous/Bad Habit-

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VanossGaming (Evan Fong)- Picking at fingernails. Evan's knows all your habits so if he even sees any of them he'll scold you until you stop.

Daithi De Nogla (David Nagle)- Biting nails. You do this a lot when you're bored or nervous. David's noticed and would always either have you play videogames with him or hold onto your hands to make you feel better.

I Am Wildcat (Tyler Wine)- Impatientness. Oh man, you were worse than he is. Literally no matter where you were if people were slow, if lines were slow or there was traffic you got so impatient. Tyler would basically either kiss you then scold you to shut up which would make you blush but huff as you took a deep breath and relaxed some.

H20Delirious (Jonathan Dennis)- Chew on long sleeve tee. He's always known you've done this. He doesn't really find anything wrong with it but usually he'll have you play with his hand other than ruin your shirts.

BigJigglyPanda (Anthony Brown)- Mess with T-shirt hem. You did this a lot when you were anxious and Anthony never saw anything wrong with this but he would usually kiss your hands and head and made sure you were okay.

TheGamingTerroriser (Brian Hanby)- Mess with his hand. Surprisingly he found it cute when you did this. You mainly did it when you were bored so he didn't mind it.

FourZer0Seven (Scott Youker)- hair twirling. Another thing you do when you're bored. Scott never found anything wrong with it but he'll make sure you're okay anyways.

BasicallyIDoWrk (Marcel Cunningham)- humming. Again, you did this when you were bored, Marcel would just laugh and ask what you would want to do which you were never sure so you and Marcel would end up playing videogames.

Moo Snuckel (Brock Barrus)- Leg bouncing. Major nervous thing. You did this everytime you were nervous which Brock was smart enough to pick up on and would rub your leg to make sure you were okay.

(Literally these are all my bad habits lmao ENJOY!)

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