First Date-

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VanossGaming (Evan Fong)- He took you ice-skating then to the movies which was fun and amazing.

Daithi De Nogla (David Nagle)- Him being cheesy he took you to McDonalds which you didn't mind and being the child he is got a happy meal and you got the same cause what the hell am I right?

I Am Wildcat (Tyler Wine)- He took you out for coffee which you both talked for hours and had an amazing time.

H20Delirious (Jonathan Dennis)- He took you to play Lazertag which was ended up winning while Jonathan whined like a baby, but he had fun nonetheless.

BigJigglyPanda (Anthony Brown)- He took you out for a lovely dinner which was nothing fancy but a fun casual dinner date at Denny's which you both had an amazing time at.

TheGamingTerrorizer (Brian Hanby)- He took you to a café which you both talked about life and everything and you had an amazing time.

FourZer0Seven (Scott Youker)- Hetook you to the movies which was fun. You saw F/M and by the end of the night,he took you to get ice cream and walked you home and you both couldn't be any happier.

BasicallyIDoWrk (Marcel Cunningham)- He took you to a carnival which you both had an amazing time doing, you both rode rides till you passed out and threw up, Marcel won a lot of stuffed animals for you and it was amazing.

Moo Snuckel (Brock Barrus)- He took you out for a lovely dinner, it was a little fancier but you both loved it either way...he can be so romantic sometimes it's fricken adorable.

(These sound so much fun. Too bad i'm a broke bitch who can't afford to go it's getting hot again so fuck going outside. Anyways enjoy!)

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