Chapter 10

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Hajime groaned as she awoke to the constant beeping of her alarm, it took all her willpower to try not to break her alarm in anger. However, after she remembered her first day of hero internship, she eagerly got out of bed and put on her hero costume. Overall, she was happy with her look and set her hair into two long braids, letting the loose hair frame her face as usual. As soon as she was ready, she walked to Iida's room and knocked on his door.

The boy in question quickly opened the door and glared at Kokoro. "Jeez you look like hell itself." She joked, observing his psychotic glare and visible eye bags.

"I'm just a little tired, how was your first night?" He asked politely, contrasting the look on his face.

"Tolerable." The telepath lightly answered.

"Hey, you guys ready to go on patrol?" Manual asked from down the hall.

"Yes sir." Iida marched towards the pro hero. Kokoro sighed and loosely followed behind him.

"Well, you two are in luck because we don't usually get any incidents so that means today will be a walk in the park." Manual explained as they left the agency.

"That's not necessarily what we want." The telepath countered. "We want to learn to face the same threats as the pros and the best way to do that is through experience." She added.

'Wow these guys are stuck up, I was never like this at their age.' Manual thought.

"We're not stuck up we're just determined to become heroes." Hajime scolded.

"I'm so sorry, I can't control my thoughts. I am so so sorry." The pro apologised, he clearly hadn't gotten the hang of someone snooping through his mind.

"No worries, I'm sorry for being so invasive but I can't really control it." She replied whilst strolling along the footpath.

"Huh, you can't control it? Has it always been that way?"

"Well I guess I started hearing the odd thought when my quirk manifested, but it's been getting stronger since and now reading minds it like second nature." Kokoro answered.

'I never thought about how rough Hajime's life must have been, not being able to stop listening to peoples thoughts. What if she heard thoughts as violent as mine as a child? What if she heard about murder at such a young age? Is that why she wanted to be a hero?' Iida flooded her mind with thoughts.

"Jeez Iida tone it down a little." She spoke telepathically.

"It's not all bad though, I know everything about everyone without even needing to take a glance. By the way, that man over there." The mind reader pointed across the road. "He just stole that woman's purse."

Manual snapped his head in the mans direction. "Follow me." He ordered the students. The trio walked over towards the man who was now quickening his pace.

"He's about to run into the next alleyway and use his quirk. I advise we wait until he uses his quirk." Hajime observes.

"Ok I trust you." Manual watches as the man walks into the ally way.

"He's getting away." Iida argues.

"His quirk is to turn into water, but once he is in his liquid state, he can't do a damn thing so he's defenceless. Manual can control water, which is why it would be easier for us to capture him while in his liquid state." The girl explained.

"Wow, that's a well thought plan, I'll be putting in good words about you." Manual compliments. "Iida, go and inform the lady that her purse has been stolen and that the thief is currently being apprehended."

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