Under Sunlight

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Bonus Chapter? UwU (I'm sorry, I shouldn't use an UwU in this day in age)
Because I'm guilty of crimes of slowness thought we'd give you an extra little treat <3 My love to you all.

Narrator's POV: 

The sun had shone brightly since early morning. Jung Eun-hye didn't have a lot on her plate that day so she called up her best friend, more like soul sisterPark Iseul to come out with her on that fine day and take a walk, maybe they'd go out for coffee. All in all they would make the most of the precious day and discuss all the change that had been happening with their lovely children as of late.
Iseul was immediately keen and so they set off. They had spent a lovely day together and when they reached the Jung family home it was getting on in the afternoon. Eun-hye was sure it was time for her to start cooking dinner for her husband and two daughters.

"I wonder if Y/n will be home yet?" She said as she tried the front door to see if it was unlocked or not. It swung open so the two mothers walked inside. 

They carried grocery bags to the kitchen and both looked around for sight of Eun-hye's daughter.

"Y/n?" She called.

Iseul walked to the lounge's entry way and looked if she was sitting on the couch.

"She's not in the lounge!" Iseul called back soon.

"Hopefully up in her room studying," Eun-hye said, though with little hope.

"Maybe she's out with friends?"

"She's usually mindful enough to lock the door behind her as she leaves."

"I hope nothing's wrong," Iseul mused. "Oh, wait a moment, I think that's her outside." She pointed to the glass sliding door. Eun-hye turned around and sighed when she saw her daughter sitting up on the grass outside. 

"Oh, someone's with her?" Eun-hye said walking closer to the door.

"Who? A boy?" Iseul said hopefully. "Someone we know?" 
But Iseul's best friend had gone silent and unmoving at the window. 

"Eun-hye? Is something wrong?" Iseul joined her friend at the door and felt as though her entire brain had shut down at the sight that met her in the backyard. In fact, she had to doubletake just to make sure that it really was her son outside with Y/n.
Her son . . . was kissing Eun-hye's daughter. Or rather more Y/n was kissing her son! Leaning over him and-

"What is happening?" Iseul squeaked, barely audible. 

"I don't know," Eun-hye whispered.

Y/n's hair fell down past her shoulders now, blocking  her face and Jimin's from the sight of their Mothers. After some moments the two pulled apart and Y/n and Jimin resumed talking, smiling at each other like a completely normal pair of people who liked each other. They were not arguing. They were not pulling each other's hair like the little gremlins they were. 

"Is it possible they're just wrestling very, very slowly?" Eun-hye asked quietly.

"That's more likely surely?" Iseul replied. 

But plastered on both Mother's faces was a grin that stretched from ear to ear. They were gripping each other's arms.

"Maybe this is a dream, pinch me."
They pinched each other but neither woke up. They couldn't take their eyes off the young couple outside. It was so odd to see them co-existing so close and not both shouting and growling at each other. In fact they were both smiling at one another. Y/n was even stroking Jimin's hair. She leaned down to kiss him again. 

Iseul took Eun-hye from the window and pushed her to the lounge so that she squeal without interrupting the kids.

"Can you believe it?! This is what we said would happen when they were born! And then we lost all hope but now! How is this possible? How long have they been hiding it? Has it been a facade this entire time???" 

"I have no idea! But they're too stupid for that! But now that I think about it, recently things have been a good deal more peaceful between them. Not that they've stopped arguing but they're always laughing and smiling now? How could we not have noticed?"

"We've been so blind!" Iseul squealed. 

So Unedited I haven't even read through this crap teehee

Anyway, kind of like that Christmas special, way back when it's a special little update, out of the ordinary. 

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