A Two Sided Story

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I know I fucked up.. I always ruin things, at least that's what my father always said. No matter if it happened quick or over a long period of time, it always seemed to go bad and I was always at fault. To actually watch it come true was a different story.. I hurt someone I had deep feelings for, I didn't want to but I somehow managed to abandon him when he was the most vulnerable.

I have felt bad about it since.. and now that I settled thing's from the past, I must set sail to make thing's right.

"How in the hell do you expect us to get a boat?" asks Olu sitting beside Stede in the small row boat they were recused in "I honestly preferred the island" says Swede with a sigh."I know this isn't the best guys but this is all that I could do, now we need to make a plan" he says stern. 

..Many hours later.. 

"Alright since we have no ideas, we'll head.. uh" he looks around "That way" he points out with a nervous face. As they set sail the crew stays quiet not really knowing whether Stede knows of the events that had happened while he was away. "Hey uh, Captain" Stede looks over quick "Yes?" Olu scratches the back of his neck "Do you.. know what happened?.." looking at him confused Stede nods no. "Oh geez.. well all I know is that Ed came back to the ship and for the day after he was pretty mopey about you leaving him behind. He was in that red silk gown and everything, it was honestly really sad" he says with a small nervous laugh. "S-So I guess after something happened he put back on the Black Beard persona and made all of us throw out anything and everything of your possessions into the sea.." he says seeing Stede's face gone cold. "He changed a lot and then after all that happened he left us on the Island and left with the revenge with his crew along with Frenchie and Jim, though I'm not too sure if Lucius is with them or not" he says fidgeting. Looking down at his feet Stede thinks to himself 'What have I done?..' catching his attention Olu clears his throat "You alright?" Stede nods "I'll be fine" Olu nods patting his back. 

..After sailing for almost a day, the revenge crew finally finds a small bare island to rest for the night..

Pulling the boat ashore Olu looks over noticing Stede walking a bit down the beach alone, leaving him alone he continues with what he is doing. While walking along the moon lit beach Stede find's some drift wood taking a seat with a heavy sigh. "He really went back to being Black beard.. even after the talk we had?.."


"I just want to do what makes Ed Happy.." looking over he smiles "And what makes Ed happy?" staring out for a moment Ed sighs. "W-We'll I recon.. what makes Ed happy is.. You" he looks over making eye contact. "Oh well that's very-" suddenly they share a long, loving kiss.


Looking out at the ocean he sheds a few tears with a sad smile. Wiping them away he sighs "I..I have to make this right.. I don't think I could live with myself if I don't.."

Staring out while on the back deck of the revenge Edward grips the railing recalling every good moment they shared. "God fucking damn it!" he says slamming his fist down "If we ever cross paths again Bonnet, it'll be your head" he says in a deepened tone. 

To Be Continued

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