A Faded Memory

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Pulling away Ed holds his shoulders looking at him "I've never seen you break like this.. talk to me, were alone no ones going to hear you" he says catching his glance. Izzy brushes his hands away leaning back against the crate with a heavy sigh "Do you remember the first time we met?.." Ed scratches the back of his neck "I-It's vivid" he looks to the side. Sitting in a chilled silence for a moment, until Izzy speaks "I still remember what you looked like.. you had a bit of scruff and your hair was a bit longer than your ears..in a combed back hair style.. a strand or two would always fall over the side of your face" he says reaching out and caressing his face making eye contact. "Do you remember what  looked like Edward?.." he says watching his eyes for a moment seeing a lie being made "I knew it.. everything we had you just flushed from your memory.." he takes his hand away saying "Why do I even bother.." he looks away leaning back onto the crate. 

Meanwhile, as the sun rises the crew wakes "Captain?" asks Olu walking into the cabin seeing it empty. Concerned he walks back out onto the deck seeing a row boat on the side of the other ship "No he didn't.. Fucking hell" he says hitting his fist on the rail. "What's wrong Olu?" asks Pete walking up beside him "Captain went over to the other boat in the middle of the night.. I hope he's alright" Pete nods with wide eyes "S-Should we go over?" Olu nods no "It'd be too dangerous we don't know what they are going to do with him.. we'll just keep watch for now" Pete nods leaving to alert the rest.

Sitting in an awkward silence for quite some time Izzy and Ed both catch glances until someone speaks "Look Izzy I.. we never talked about the abrupt end-" Izzy interrupts "tried multiple times, you never listened to me. You had a haze of Bonnet, that was the only thing that was on your mind, so what's the point? Even now, he's still a thought in your head as we speak" Ed gapes his mouth about to say something to argue his point but he sighs instead, knowing he is right. Looking at him for a moment Ed sighs "Izzy can you at least look at me?" staring as he doesn't move Ed sighs once more continuing to stare. thinking. Suddenly he takes Izzy's face kissing him gently catching him off guard his eyes wide for a brief moment before kissing back a bit. 

Pulling away Ed keeps one hand on his face caressing his cheek "You tell no one.. we can continue this talk later, that'll keep you occupied" he takes his hand from his face, walking away. Standing shocked Izzy simmers in the moment with a smile plastered on his face feeling the tingle of a faded memory. Meanwhile, Ed makes his way into the cabin stopping in his tracks seeing Stede sitting up in bed, staring out the window, a wrapped arm placed gently across his stomach.

To Be Continued...

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