A Painful Poem

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Finally reaching the boat he takes a breath feeling a knot in his stomach staring up at a ladder. Taking a breath out he starts the climb, hoisting himself over the rail the thud of his boots startling him. Realizing he didn't have a plan for after he got off he freezes "Crap.. what now?" he asks himself under his breath. Watching him from the top deck Izzy smirks thinking 'He's got some fucking ball's coming on this ship..' taking a stride down the steps he draws his sword catching Stede's attention. "I have to admit Bonnet, you've grown" he stands at the opposite end of the ship staring at him with a tight grip on his sword. "Izzy, you've gotten older" says Stede feeling more confident with a smirk seeing him irritated at his comment "Watch it Bonnet it's just you and me. No prince charming to save you after all, the Edward  you knew is gone" he steps closer. "He's not gone.. I know he isn't" Izzy rolls his eyes in disgust "Whatever you want to believe is not in my control but whether you live or die, that's another story" he says lunging for his gut. Dodging it Stede tries to strike back but is interrupted by a voice "Izzy stand down" they both look over "Ed" says Stede in a relieved whisper and a smile to match, Izzy on the other hand looking irritated.  "Edward just let me do this for you!-" he gets cut off as Ed shouts "I said stand down damn it!" he says a few steps out from the cabin, his sword drawn at his side. Looking over at him then at Bonnet, Izzy smirks stepping away and off to the side of the deck to watch. 

Turning his attention over to Ed, Stede smiles "I'm back.. I-" he says stepping closer stopping in his tracks as Ed lifts his sword swiftly "Don't  start with that bull shit!" he shouts shaking his sword at him. "Ed please, let me explain" suddenly Ed lunges barely missing his side making Stede stumble back a bit "You fucking left me! Waiting like a fool.." he says breathing heavy as tears start to stream down his face. Getting steady on his feet Stede looks at him concerned as they start to fight, Izzy watching with a smile. 

As the fight continues Ed gets a lead making Stede stumble falling onto his back kicking his sword away, pointing it at his chest his hand trembling. "I trusted you with EVERYTHING and you knew what you were doing.. you only trailed me along with your expensive trinkets a-and frilly crap just to get what you wanted.. how could you.." he ends with a painful whisper pressing the blade to his bare chest. Staring up at him Stede has his own tears streaming down his worried face "Ed.. please let me explain.." suddenly Izzy intervenes "Just do it Edward.. get it over with like you were supposed to a while ago" he says from afar crossing his arms. Looking over at him Ed nods gripping his sword tightly looking back down at him "I should have killed you before I got attached.."

To Be Continued...

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