The Bitter Battle

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Staring down at him Ed thinks 'You hurt me more than you will ever know..' suddenly his thoughts fade as the memories start to flood in making eye contact. Staring the word's echo in his mind "You make Stede happy"  he shakes his head stepping back starting to sob heavily. 

Getting back up onto his feet Stede goes to walk towards him but Izzy steps in unexpectedly "Don't even think about it Bonnet" he says with a glare. "Fuck off Izzy" he says stepping forward pushing him aside making his way up to Ed with caution. "E-Ed?.. I'm back for a long time now, I promise" he says putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. Suddenly he gets knocked back by a fist, rubbing his jaw, he looks up at Ed seeing him enraged "Lies, it's all a lie!" he shouts lunging at him, Izzy getting out of the way with wide eyes. Dodging it Stede panics looking over to his side seeing his sword, jumping over to it he lands just a few inches away about to grab it but suddenly Izzy steps on his hand "You're not getting out of this one Bonnet" he says looking down at him stepping down harder. "Agh!" he says in pain, looking back seeing Ed walking towards them, starting to panic he looks around to find something, anything to help him get out of this. Seeing a sack of gun-powder he reaches out pulling a seam making some spill out, grabbing a hand-full he throws it up at Izzy's face like last time watching him step back off of his hand. Scattering to his feet Stede finally gets his sword, turning to face Ed who stares down with a shadowed glare "Ed please, I don't want to hurt you!" he shouts stepping back getting some distance between them. Laughing a bit Ed grips his sword "Oh you won't have to worry about that Love.. you should only worry about yourself" he says taking a swift move slicing Stede's arm, his shirt now dangling off from his left side. "Agh!" he shouts gripping his arm holding the sword in the injured arms hand stepping back as Ed walks closer "Don't make this any harder than it needs to be!" he shouts as tears start to stream down his face again. Staring at him for a moment Stede sighs dropping his sword "Ed.." he hesitates for a moment but decides to walk closer with caution. Suddenly he gets stabbed through the gut in a swift motion "A-Agh-" he says looking down as the blade through his abdomen, the base barely an inch from his skin. Trailing his eyes up his arm he makes eye contact seeing Ed's cold expression with tears streaming down his face "E-Ed-" Stede manages to get out before passing out. 

To Be Continued...

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