The Shadow

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..After Ed and Stede were taken from the boat Izzy, Fang, Ivan and the Revenge crew were left with a few gaurds to wait for their trials..

Standing  with his hands held behind his back, his head hung low Izzy thinks 'I'm not a fucking coward.. though, I'm not an idiot either.. I could try and get away.. or I could make a plan..' he looks up looking around at the crew scattered along the deck a few tied to the mast left alone. Smirking he kicks the guard's shins "What the fuck was that for? Just for that you're going to join the others, common" says the guard bringing him over and tying him to the mast, walking away. "Pete, I know you don't like me very much but I have a plan that can save not only our lives but the others as well.." Pete looks at him confused "I don't know why I should trust you" Izzy interupts "Look around Pete, if we don't do something soon we'll all be dead.. now this is a choice for you to make. Do you want to see Lucius again or die without a trace of knowing where he is" Pete widens his eyes. "You know where Lucious is?!" he nods "I do but, there would be no point in telling you now that we're all going to die.." he smirks knowing what he is doing. Pete looks around taking a hard swallow "Alright fine. What's the plan?" Izzy smiles whispering it into his ear.

..While waiting for the perfect moment after telling the rest that were nearby, Wee John and Buttons with his fake fangs manage to cut the rope that's holding all of them to the mast. Buttons and Swede stand up quick making a distraction while the others manage to gain guns from a few gaurds after knocking them out. 

"For the few who are left, we suggest you surrender at our will or face death. Considering you're out numbered and the rest of your fleet has left" says Izzy pointing a gun out to the crowd of guards unarmed. Seeing a few nod he smiles "Alright what do you want?" says one of them in a shaky tone "Oh I think you already know" Izzy replys with a smirk.

..After killing off the rest of the guards and leaving their corpses floating in the sea they set sail on the revenge..

"Alright idiots..." shouts Izzy standing up by the wheel of the ship looking down at the group "Since I saved your useless lives you work for me now" Wee John rolls his eyes "What's stopping us from taking mutiny on your ass?" Izzy smirks pointing a gun down at him keeping him quiet. "Considering both your captains are gone, that makes me in charge and secondly I saved your fucking lives there for you owe me" Wee John and the others nod "I guess you're right, but we don't like it very much" says Pete crossing his arms. Izzy looks over at him "You don't have to like it now, let's set sail before sunset.." he leaves the crew on the deck alone walking into the cabin "It was foolish of me for letting you get away so easily Bonnet.. but this time.. you will parish" he says looking at a map trailing his finger from where they're to China with a smirk.

The End?..

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