The Hunt

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After walking around hearing many, many mutters about this mysterious look alike Edward finally confronts someone shoving them against a wall. "Tell me, where did you see this pirate you speak of?" he says holding a knife to the poor mans throat. "I-I saw him and his crew leave in a ship just a few hours ago but what's all I know I swear!!" he says with fear. "Which way did they go" he says pushing the knife against his skin more "T-That way!" he points to the East feeling relief as the knife gets pulled away.

Walking along the dock he turns to Izzy who isn't far behind "I think you know what's next" seeing him nod he smirks. Meanwhile, the revenge crew settle into their new ship, looking around and finding some good's while Stede takes some alone time on the far side of the ship. Looking out he still thinks about the change he's heard "What's going to happen when we run into him?.." his face goes from wonder to worry. Recalling their happy times his worry fades as he smiles "I doubt he'll hurt me.. right?" he shakes his head heading back down joining the crew. 

Walking over he smiles "Everyone seems to be having fun" he looks around at all the fun loot they found while exploring their new vessel. "So, what's the plan now?" Stede laughs a bit nervous "Honestly I haven't a clue,  we don't really know where to go" Olu shrugs "It could be worse, we could still have that little boat at least now we have a ship and now we can just sit for a while" Stede nods with a smile. Meanwhile, Edward and his crew set sail towards this new pirate. In the cabin, Ed sits thinking "What if it is him?.. But it couldn't be.. he died.. right?" his thoughts get interrupted once again by Izzy "Sir, I think we should start making a plan for when we run into this new crew" looking from across the room Ed nods. 

"What if it is him Edward, what are we going to do?" asks Izzy looking over at him. "Honestly, if it is him I'd be surprised" he laughs a bit. Sitting in silence for a moment they both stare out of the window "We kill him" says Ed in a cold tone catching Izzy off guard. Izzy smiles a bit "I'll inform the crew" he walks out of the cabin leaving Ed alone once again with his thoughts "I really do hope it's you Stede.. I need an explanation.." he sighs.

To Be Continued...

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