Something Sweet & Something Bitter

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Staring quiet Ed feels his gut drop watching Stede meet his gaze with a warm smile saying so much with just a simple stare. Feeling weak in his knees Ed feels cold tears stream down his face as the memories come flooding in all at once, like a rapid slide show in memory. Watching him from the bed Stede sighs "Ed.. d-don't cry, please I don't like seeing you cry" he says in a soft tone snapping Ed out of his rapid thoughts. "I.." is all he is able to say standing with his feet planted on the ground unable to move. Stede smiles a sad smile looking down at his lap "I-..I understand if you're upset.. I left.. for a long while without an explanation-" suddenly a head replaces his hands on his lap. Petting his head hearing his soft cries he sighs "Ed.. oh Ed.." he says continuing to pet his head letting him cry. 

No one really knows how long he cried for- minutes? hours? it doesn't matter he needed this Stede thought, no words no explanation just a comforting place to be vulnerable. Stopping for a moment from petting his head as he sits up Stede stays quiet looking at him as he sits on the floor beside the bed, his arm stretched out, his cheek resting on his arm exhausted from sobbing. Looking down at him he smiles "Ed?.." flustering a bit at his stare he smiles more putting a hand on his that's on the bed "Can I explain?.." Ed nods turning his hand over intertwining their fingers with a small grip and release still holding his hand gently.

"Ed I want to make this clear.. you weren't the reason I abruptly left.. it wasn't your fault" he says looking down at him seeing his eyes well up with tears once more. Continuing he sighs "A-A lot happened between the time when you left to get the dingy.. Chauncey woke me with a gun to my cheek forcing me out of bed and shuffling me into the nearby wood's.." he stares down at his lap remembering that terrible night. Shaking his head a bit he continues "I..I thought that was my last moment on Earth.. But fate must have been on my side that night because he tripped and shot himself through the skull.. " he drifts off remembering the shriek he made and the way he felt in that very moment. 

Sitting for a moment he stares at their hands intertwined feeling Ed grip his hand a bit getting him back to the explanation. "So after that.. I must have blacked out because when I could see again I was home with my Wife and my children.. I felt safe. I thought I could make it all better by returning but I only made it worse.. they were thriving without me and honestly that was a relief though.. the whole time I was there I couldn't help but think of you.." he says looking down at Ed who is looking up at him. "to put the story short.. I faked my own death and finally felt free of the guilt that I was holding.. I knew good and well I hurt you.. I didn't intend to do that.. I couldn't help it a-and" he has a few ears streaming down his face looking down at him again "I'm so sorry Ed.." he says in a painful whisper. 

Standing up Ed hugs him tightly not saying a word feeling his arms tighten around his upper back, feeling Stede bury his face into his shoulder. Suddenly they hear foot steps enter the room, pulling away Ed looks over seeing Izzy as he says "Edward I can't wait we need to talk and we need to talk now-" he says stopping his words seeing Stede awake.

To Be Continued..

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