This is it.

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Looking at him Stede glares "What game have you been playing" Izzy laughs a bit "I think you've already figured that out, you're a smart man Bonnet but" he kneels getting eye to eye with him "I'm smarter" he laughs. "Why?.." is the only thing Stede manages to utter out a quiver in his voice, confused Izzy stands up "Why what?" he says sharp. Stede looks at him "Why do you have such a vile intent when it comes to me.. I didn't do a thing to you Izzy what do you have against me-" Izzy suddenly shouts. "You took away the one fucking thing that I cared about. You took Ed away from me, I spent my whole life with him and I was so close to telling him how I felt but then you came along and ruined all of it!!" he shouts with tears streaming down his face, unaware of Ed walking in quietly, standing by the door. Stede looks at him not knowing what to say, walking more into the room up to both of them Ed puts a hand on his shoulder "Let's talk" he says in a calm tone looking Izzy in the eyes. 

Walking out onto the back balcony behind the cabin Ed closes the door behind him, turning to Izzy seeing him stare at the floor his arms crossed as tears stream down his face. "E-Ed I'm sorry.." he says in a somber whisper looking up at him for a moment knowing he fucked up. Putting his hands on his shoulders Ed sighs "It's alright Izzy.. I know it's hard for you to control your emotions.. but still.. what you did was fucking wrong" he looks him in the eyes. Izzy nod's "I wouldn't blame you if you kicked me off the ship, I'm a fucking parasite and I know I won't change" he brushes his hands off angry at himself for his actions. Ed nods no "I need you here.. but I think we should talk it out all together" Izzy nods following him back inside, seeing Stede sitting where he was before they left. "Everything alright?" he asks concerned, standing staring at the pair. Ed nods no walking up to him Izzy following "A lot of shit has been screwed up and we need to get it all straight" Stede nods looking at him then at Izzy seeing him avoiding eye contact feeling very vulnerable. 

After a long, long talk the three of them sit quietly, Izzy alone in a chair while Stede and Ed sit together on the couch. "I hope you understand that this is how it's going to be Izzy.." says Ed to the back of the chair he's sitting in. "Yeah I do.." he says cold, leaning on his hand feeling tears stream down his face. Standing up Ed smiles down at Stede putting a gentle hand on his face "I'll be outside, love you" Stede nods with a smile watching him leave. Sighing Stede stands up "I know it's hard Izzy.. I understand your pain-" he interrupts "You will never understand my pain. And for the record, Bonnet" he stands up facing him "I will resent you till the day I fucking die" he says storming out.

Walking onto the deck Izzy looks around seeing everyone staring out in one direction including Ed "What's going on?" he asks walking up to Ed "The English, they've found us" Izzy widens his eyes looking over seeing a fleet of ships headed right for them.

To Be Continued...

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