A Hard Slumber

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Taking his spot for the night out of the deck Stede stays a bit away form the group to process is emotions, thinking it'll only irritate them. "Captain, you alright?" asks Olu sitting down on the floor with him "Y-Yeah I'm fine.." he says looking at him quickly avoiding eye contact as he fidgets with his shirt. Looking at him Olu taps his arm "Common Stede, something's up" he doesn't look at him  "I-I don't want to talk about it.." he says with a quiver in his voice. Sighing Olu continues to talk "Remember the moto?" Stede glances over at him "We talk it through.." Stede continues in a somber tone "As a crew.. yeah I know.. but this seems too personal to talk it out with someone.. besides it's getting late" Olu gets the hint and stands up leaving him alone.

Meanwhile in the cabin, getting ready for bed Izzy starts to unbutton his vest while Ed is already lying back under the overs watching with a smile, unnoticed by him. Catching him in the corner of his eye Izzy smiles "What you looking at?" he says playfully pulling off his shirt tossing it onto the couch where his vest is. "Just.. reminiscing" he says sweetly looking at him as he walks closer. Standing close to the side of the bed Izzy smiles with a small shiver feeling Ed put a cold hand on his side.  Scooting over letting Izzy into the bed Ed smiles a bit "Comfortable?" he sees him nod as he lies down. Blowing out the candle Ed hears him already asleep making him smile more, wrapping an arm around his waist and falling asleep soon after.

Midnight. Stede wakes up in a cold sweat looking around "R-Right.." he reasures himself combing back his hair feeling a kink in his back. Standing up he walks around the deck knowing he wont be able to fall back asleep anytime soon. Stopping he leans on a railing staring out at the shimmering sea under the moonlight remembering the night when they got closer, drawing him to quiet tears. "I..I have to talk to him.. " he says under his breath making his way to the cabin, not bothering with knocking he opens the door shuffling into the cabin quietly. As he walks in he hear's some noise "E-Ed? You alright-" he stops in his tracks with wide eyes seeing him and Izzy having some fun in the moon lit bed. Dropping the candle he was holding Stede rushes out disgusted and hurt, the clash of the candle holder catching Ed's attention. 

"A-Ah, Everything okay Ed?" asks Izzy breathing a bit heavy looking up at him as he hoovers over his body. Seeing the candle on the floor burnt out Ed ignores it for now "Y-Yeah let's continue" he smirks leaning down kissing Izzy's neck again. Meanwhile on the deck Stede find's his place back on the opposite end, standing in shock not knowing what to do feeling tears stream down his face. Sliding down against one of the masts he curls his knees to his chest sobbing, that image imprinted into his head to haunt him.

To Be Continued...

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